Vrijdag 20 juni 2003


Deze keer weer eens een statistiekje.

25 procent van de lezers zijn dus Nederlanders. De overige 75 procent is 'onbekend'. Het ligt voor de hand dat er nu ook met belangstelling wordt gekeken in de Verenigde Staten en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Mede gezien het nieuws in het NRC Handelsblad van gisteren. Bush verdedigt Britse premier in kwestie-Irak Het lijkt mij goed dat de democraten mijn boek als uitgangspunt hanteren. Ik heb in dit verband afgelopen woensdag het onderstaande bericht naar mijn collega César Rennert in New York gestuurd. "Dear César, Herewith I confirm the good receipt of your information of March 18, 2003 directed to INSTITUTO CERVANTES BENELUX and CERVANTES MANAGEMENT CENTRE. I quote your information on behalf of TRAFFORD PUBLISHING in Canada and the United Kingdom. "March 18, 2003 Dear Colleague/Friend: Thank you for your wonderful support, not only during the difficult year of 2002, but also throughout the past 30 years. Yes, 2003 marks our 30ieth anniversary. We are proud to say that since our humble beginning back in 1973, when we had one classroom and one teacher, Rennert Bilingual has grown to more than 25 classrooms with 50 teachers teaching a spectrum of full-time, executive and plus English™ programs, as well as numerous elective classes. Today, we offer customized instruction of the highest caliber possible. Please note that our course rates for 2003 have not increased but remain identical to last year's. Furthermore, this year we have added two popular Manhattan hotels and a guesthouse in Central Harlem to accommodate students requesting private facilities and each is easily accessible to the school. We are also pleased to announce that Rennert Bilingual has been approved by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service to start participating in their new, complex student visa tracking system." During three months I have been in the Netherlands. As from now on my Business Plan as described at BUSINESS PLAN INSTITUTO CERVANTES ENGLAND AND WALES has to be activated. After the terrible loss of my British Partner and the subsequent disaster in New York I try to set up our business again. Therefore I need the support of all my friends and colleagues all over the world. I already asked all IALC-members to promote my book Letters to Diana, Princess of Wales in all their countries. Until now only a dozen of books have been sold by the regular distribution canals. That is not bad because some problems still have to be solved by the judges. I congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of Rennert Bilingual and would like to come and visit your school in due course. I would be obliged if you will help me with the promotion of my book in New York. There already some copies have been sold. I think it would be worthwile that I come over to sign my books at your school in 216 East 45th Street in New York."

De leden van het Amerikaanse Congres zullen zich in de komende tijd naar verwachting dus diepgaand met deze zaak gaan bezighouden. Ik vraag mij overigens af of Tony Blair mijn boek met voldoende diepgang heeft bestudeerd. Ik heb het manuscript immers niet voor niets op 10 Downing Street afgegeven op maandag 22 december 1997. In Kensington ben ik met een trainingsschema begonnen. Ik citeer mijn 'Letters' op pagina 208:

J.L. Van der Heyden Manor Court Hotel 35 Courtfield Gardens London SW5 0PJ Earls Court, 18 April 1997 Dear Diana, I like to relate you the experiences of this morning. I went jogging through Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. At the statue of Peter Pan I met two nice Spanish boys from Málaga and told them that I am "Cervantes". I tried to follow a girl with a green shirt, but then I realised that my condition still is very bad. I will try to improve that the next coming days at Earls Court Gym. Jogging from Hyde Park to Kensington Park I realised that the Family in Kensington Palace must have been neighbours of the Family Hyde. So I went to the Oranjery of Your Palace and there I took an important decision. As from now I want You to be Head of my organization. We can count on the support of the Dutch Government as You can see regarding the photograph of the "Government Game".

The Minister of Finances is still looking a little worried, but that situation will be improved very soon. I hope to see you next Tuesday. Yours, John Hyde. Given at St. James's Palace. London 18-04-1997. Encl. "Government Game Competitie: Regeren is vooruitzien!" (Reigning is looking forward)

Gisteren heeft ook het Special Event van mijn collega's in Driebergen plaatsgevonden. Zo trof ik enkele foto's aan van deze gebeurtenis. Mijn collega's in Nederland melden hierover op hun website: Special Baak Event 2003. Wat wij gaan doen kunt u lezen in mijn Letters to Elizabeth. Ik heb het genoegen gehad in 2001 het eerste EVENT te mogen meemaken. Dit is mijn verslag uit die tijd, gericht aan mijn collega Harry Starren. Ik zie het gevraagde accountantsrapport met belangstelling tegemoet van Jan Toet.