Dinsdag 9 april 2002 Ik zal mij beperken tot het bijwerken van mijn werkverslag van Moskou. Bij iemand uit den vreemde denk ik vanzelfsprekend aan Galina Románova. 10.02 Star Service gebeld. Marjolein was er even niet. 13.41 Herdenkingsdienst in Westminster Abbey is ten einde. De paarse kroon wordt thans naar WINDSOR CASTLE vervoerd onder het toeziend oog van de Nijmegen Compagnie of the Grenadeer Guards en geflankeerd door the white roses of the 21st of April 1997.

De 'Last Post' wordt geblazen door soldaten met het hoofddeksel van een Russische soldaat. Het witte boeket wordt bij het graf van de onbekende soldaat gelegd. Mijn gedachten gaan natuurlijk uit naar 'Lillibet'. 18.39 Bezoek gebracht aan Wijchen. Gesprek met Jos van Wichen van Van Dal Assurantiën en oude buren in de Nachtegaalstraat 26. Situatie rond 'rood mantelpakje' uiteengezet, zoals vermeld in mijn laatste brief FC CERVANTES ARNHEM uit Spanje. Ik citeer: "Zoals je ziet val ik nog steeds op rood. Jammer dat Elly dat rode mantelpakje nooit heeft willen accepteren dat ik voor haar op het oog had in de Kalverstraat in Amsterdam, kort voor ons bezoek aan mijn kantoor in Noordwijk." Op de vraag wat Liesbeth tegenwoordig doet heb ik laten weten dat zij tegenwoordig blijkbaar als 'schaduwmanager' werkzaam is, maar ik nog niet precies weet wat ik daaronder moet verstaan. Ik ontving om 14.51 het volgende bericht van Jana Hamilton.

Dear John: Yes, we did receive the CDs you sent us and thank you. I thought one of our staff informed you of this but apparently not. Sorry. We are finding that the larger books are too difficult for the consumer to print off their computers and they will want a hard copy. We haven't had any orders for your book yet but when that happens, we will use the CDs at the time of publication. Be assured that these CDs will be protected at all times. When your contract is terminated, they will be returned to you. However, if you wish, we can make a copy onto CDs here and return them now. Regarding Spanish, our American system of education teaches Spanish, Latin and French. The first three years is in writing it. So, conversational Spanish is not taught well and the students lose interest very quickly if they cannot use it. Needless to say, a very large percentage of Americans do not speak any other language other than English. It's a pity. I took Latin. Never used it and now don't remember it. Europeans have the right idea with their multi-language education. Let me know what you'd like for me to do with the CDs. Have a great day! Jana. 19.48 Reactie: Dear Jana, Thank you for your reaction. I will have a great day when I know that my book will be sold on a worldwide scale, because I need Return on Investment! I am writing now from Nijmegen in The Netherlands and saw the funeral of the Queen Mum. Of course it took me back to the sixth of September 1997. I greatly appreciate that the Nijmegen Compagnie of the Grenadeer Guards were present when the coffin with the Purple Crown and the white roses with the name 'Princess of Wales' was carried out of Westminster Abbey. Princess Diana received those roses on the 21st of April 1997. Probably on occasion of my visit to Kensington at the time. I saw a lot of good friends on the occasion and regretted not to be there this time. It was an emotional event. Nevertheless I missed the members of the Spencer Family. On the 5th of August 1996 I had a conversation with Lady Spencer in St. George's Chapel in WINDSOR CASTLE about the Order of the Garter. She was a lady in waiting of Her Royal Majesty the Queen. It is possible that one of your staff members has tried to inform me via my emailaddress in Spain. However: after my mailing on the 7th of March I lost communication with the provider in Gerona. I sent the information about my book and the Business Plan Instituto Cervantes NBLEW (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, England and Wales) to the following addresses.

Most people are company directors - former colleagues - of language institutes and members of the Association of Language Centres (IALC) all over the world, as well as my colleagues of the Management Centre in the Netherlands and our lawyers. I wonder if you received this message in good order. It also contains a PowerPoint Presentation (attached) about my planned company. With the promised protection of my CD you may keep the CD and I advise you to continue selling the book in downloadable form. The hard copies can be ordered at Trafford, although you are entitled to make a deal with them as well within the framework of all legal issues. I hope we will both have a great day tomorrow. WITH LOVE FROM NIJMEGEN THIS TIME JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN P.S. I delivered the first hard copy in The Netherlands at the House Archive of Palace Noordeinde in The Hague (Mr.Woelderink). Cc Ben Harrison. Ik heb hier vastgesteld dat de mailing van 7 maart niet is doorgegeven. Daarom heb ik om 21.56 het volgende bericht gemailed naar alle IALC-leden: Dear Colleague, I noticed that my message of last 7th of March, sent out from my Spanish emailaddress might not have reached you properly. Therefore I herewith send you from my holiday address in The Netherlands the information about the publication of my book 'Letters to Diana, Princess of Wales'. The book contains the original texts of the letters that I sent to Princess Diana as from the day of Her divorce (28 August 1996) until the 31st of August 1997 regarding our 'Cervantes Project' and other particular details. I request you to order this book before we will meet at the IALC-meeting in Málaga in the weekend of next 3, 4 and 5 May. You can order my book online at www.trafford.com/robots/01-0341.html The price is only $ 31,99 USD. I hope this will be the start of a fruitfull collaboration and we will meet in Málaga. Yours Sincerely, JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN TORREMOLINOS.

In BvD Hans Wijers met de vraag of de functie als voorzitter van het Wereld Natuur Fonds te combineren is met zijn nieuwe functie als Voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van Akzo Nobel per 1 juli. Cees van Lede komt dan vrij. Hij staat nog voor Hfl. 2 miljoen bij mij in het krijt. Inmiddels is er een derde boek verkocht: in Seattle.