Torremolinos, donderdag 2 mei 2001
Vanmiddag heb ik mijn
Dagboek Spanje 2001 Deel 1 met 2 CD's om 12.57 uur bij loket 7 aangetekend verzonden aan de directie van de Baak. Een Spaanse jongedame van Govez heeft er een mooi boekwerk van gemaakt. De begeleidende brief luidt alsvolgt BAAK-KRING/CERVANTESKRING. De verzendkosten bedroegen 1480 ptas.
Het verdere nieuws van vandaag. De Telegraaf. Neo-nazi's bedreigden jong gezin uit Malden. Van onze correspondent. WIJCHEN - De politie heeft bij Wijchen elf neo-nazistische jongeren van 16 tot 21 jaar, die een gezin uit Malden met de dood hadden bedreigd, gearresteerd. Dit komt sterk overeen met hetgeen mij op 30 april 1993 is overkomen op De Beerendonck bij Wijchen. Spaanse klacht tegen BERLUSCONI Opnieuw een ijzersterke zet van Baltasar Garzón. Duitse investeerder is niet te spreken over KPN Ik mag echter aannnemen dat dat voor de balanspositie geen consequenties heeft. De overname heeft KPN immers een nieuw bezit van 6,5 en 9,1 (= 15,6) miljard euro opgeleverd. De hervatting van de beprekingen met Telefónica duurt inmiddels ook al veel te lang, maar ik mag aannemen dat Paul Smits daar zijn redenen voor heeft. Maar voorlopig geen Duitsers. Dat past immers niet in mijn Core Business. Alles op zijn tijd. Ik zal een afspraak maken met John Hewitt. De Ierse eigenaar van de Harp begroette mij gisteren nog met de woorden "Hello, John". In de omgeving van zijn bar ben ik de ober van Diana ook al eens tegen het lijf gelopen, als ik mij niet vergist heb (Paul Burrell). Het ziet er thans naar uit dat het bericht dat John Major verantwoordelijk is voor de publikatie van The False Last Will of the Princess of Wales inmiddels bekend is geworden in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Volgens een opiniepeiling van The Sun zou Tony Blair thans een meerderheid van 227 zetels verwerven in het Lagerhuis als de verkiezingen morgen zouden zijn gehouden volgens planning. We zijn inmiddels alweer vier jaar verder nadat ik hem in het zadel heb geholpen. Het zou wel aardig zijn als hij in het voetspoor van mijn goede vriend Aznar zou treden qua kamermeerderheid. Ik ben benieuwd hoe deze situatie zich verder ontwikkelt en in hoeverre het Cervantes Plan verder van invloed zal zijn op de politieke verhoudingen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk 'as from now''. Ik citeer voorts het ontvangen bericht van de computerclub CUGA alhier. Subject: Meeting Monday April 30, 14.00 hrs. Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 13:35:32 +0200. To: "Prockter Dennis F." CC: Alabaster, Ates Margreet, "Barten H.J.Th.", Berg van den Jan, Berry John, Blunden Jack, Brunger Fred, Crate Gerald, Crowther Bruce, Dann George, Hagerty Paul, Hewitt John, Heyden John van der, Hilten van Guillermo, Hoogstad Gerard, Dear Members, Last meeting David Robertson told us about his use of Microsoft Publishing and its manifold possibilities. Most of us were quite impressed with the examples he showed us. The banners, flyers, visiting cards he printed for Cudeca were professionally made. David also gave us several useful tips. To obtain a copy, send him an e-mail.Of course next to the ability to work with the program you also need an artistic talent to make these layouts and designs. Microsoft Publishing is a part of Office 2000. Many of the examples are also to be found in Microsoft Word 97, but this program is not a publishing program and therefor limited. Next meeting, April 30th Bruce Crowther promised to tell us about his use of the computer as an author. Willem van Hilten has prepared a presentation on Google, a search engine; the newest mp's; and Buddyvoice, a program like voice e-mail. John Hewitt will give a presentation on network Monday May 14th. In the meantime Steve Walker has set up a website for CUGA: If permission is given it would be nice to give a summary of the talks and presentations given. Of course without consent nothing will be put on the website. Steve is quite adamant that he will and cannot do the website on his own and that we all have to participate. But the start has been made and I personnally sincerely hope it will not come to an end like the one before. Dennis Prockter will be back the 28th, if necessary Bob Jürgens will chair the meeting coming Monday. Regards and see you on Monday 14th, as unfortunately I myself will not be able to come this Monday, the 30th, Ada. Tijdens mijn afwezigheid heb ik van hen ook de volgende berichten ontvangen.

Viernes, 2 febrero 2001 09:53. Dear Members, This is my second letter. Both yesterday and this morning sending mail was impossible. Hope this will succeed, Ada. January 22 we had our Annual General Meeting. The new board: President: Dennis Prockter. Vice President: Bob Jürgens. Secretary: Ada Matthieu. Treasurer: Frank Naylor. A list of past talks and presentations was given. Next time I will send an attachment of those papers I have in the archive, so if you missed something you can send me an e-mail and if possible a reply with the asked for information will be given. Jan 8 meeting Les Smith held a presentation of Computergraphics and their use on the internet. During the meeting it was unanimously decided, the secretary would send a list of members with address telephonenumber and e-mail address. Anybody opposed to give this information will be crossed off (except on the lists of the board). Nameof attachment members jan 2001. Please be careful only to load down attachments you have been previously been advised to receive, do not open other attachments of the same sender. There is a new virus (The newest edition of symantic anti virus will recognise this virus and fix it. This virus sometimes adds itself on an e-mail or as second attachment (You can safely load down the one with the proper name) and unbeknowing you have "caught the disease". Steve always full of information, held a talk about the costs of various systems to connect with the internet, costs etc. , send him an e-mail to receive the presentation as attachment. Dennis proposed to have our members giving him an small list of their interests. He also found John Berry to tell us about his experiences with Windows Millenium next Monday. Dennis also asked to tell us about aticles you have read, maybe with a summary of the contents, anything you are interested in and think might be a topic for all the others. Do not hesitate and be afraid to share as Bob J. once sent us a poem "There is always someone knowing less than you do." See you Monday February 6 at 14.00 in the B@r Net , Regards Ada.

Viernes, 2 febrero 2001 14:33. Ledenlijst CUGA. Alabaster Terry, Ates Margreet, Berg van den Jan, Berry John, Blunder Jack, Brunger F, Crate Gerald, "Barten H.J.Th.", Crowther Bruce, Dann George, Hagerty Paul, Hewitt John, Heyden John van der, Hilten van Guillermo, Hoogstad Gerard, "Horsefall David V.", Hugenholtz Maya, Jurgens Bob, Krugten van Hans, Krugten van Hans, Lewisiott Susan, Mac Nab Barrie, Matthieu Ada, Meehan Patrick, Milner Brian, Moederzoon Ruud, Monk Eric, Montijn Martin, Naylor Frank, Pearson Peter, Robertson David, Rood Tony, Rootledge Brian, Ruts Jan, Schink Bep, Schoenmaker Klaas, Slijper Freek, Spruyt Henk, Swinney John, Twennberg Tore, "Vahrmeijer Hans P." , Walker Steven, Wilson Derrick

Sábado, 17 febrero 2001 15:10. Dear members, Although late, I hope this note will reach you in time. The CTV-connection has a lot of troubles, a note was sent by Wanadoo, they have taken over, however your subscription to CTV will be honored until the expirationdate and will give most ample time to inform your relations of the change in providers. wmatthieu For your information as far as I know Telefónica gives the "tarifaplana" through and Tarifaplana gives you a fixed rate to pay Pts 2000.- monthly which gives you unlimited connection to the internet from 18.00 until 08.00 hr and 24hrs on saturdays and sundays. For Wanadoo I was given the number 900 010 010. They want your pasportnumber or nie, date of birth, your present provider, you will be told how to connect and can speak in English if necessary. Our last meeting John Berry told us about his experiences with Windows Me, many improvements were made over Win98, as John explained. Both Bob Jürgens and I had some difficulties and ways to overcome them. Coming meeting Dennis will tell us about his research on Firewall. Steve Walker made a concept of a new website, his only condition to keep this going is to have all of the CUGA members giving him information. Maybe you have your own website, an interesting topic or experience, an article you have read or news like Erik Monk on the "free laptop etc". I have printed out this information and will give it to you on monday. Attached you will find the addresslist in rtf under word. addresses CUGA, which I hope most of you will be able to receive. If not advise me. I try but am not experienced enough to reach all. Regards Ada.

Ada Matthieu blijkt dus de secretaris te zijn van de computerclub waarvoor Maya Hugenholtz mij heeft ingeschreven. Ik heb haar dan ook het volgende bericht doen toekomen.

Dear Ada,

Thank you very much indeed for the information I received on 2nd and 17th February and last 27 April. I suppose this has been as the result of the conversation I had with Maya Hugenholtz in December last year, shortly before my return to the Netherlands on 12 December. Until last 17 April I stayed there during four months, because I was advised to stay away from the United Kingdom for a while. I read your emails with interest. It's nice to see the family-names Hewitt and Van der Heyden next to each other in the same list. I hope these family-names will not be mixed up any longer as from now on. Unfortunately I was unable to visit the last meeting on 30 April. Because of our Queen's day I had to visit the Dutch Club Costa del Sol in Hotel Puerta del Sol in Mijas. Nevertheless I am looking forward to the next meeting on 14 May. Because I had some problems with Microsoft Outlook Express I did not receive your attachments to your emails. I would be obliged to receive them another time and request you to let me know at what time and where the next meeting will take place. Regarding your name I may suppose you can write me in Dutch as well. Therefore please find attached my photograph with the title 'Purple full of Love about Kok'.

And never forget: AS THE FINAL TOUCH GOD CREATED THE DUTCH! Yours sincerely, John L. Van der Heyden, Torremolinos. Dit bericht heb ik om 18.21 verzonden. Het emailprogramma heeft echter laten weten dat het niet is overgekomen. Om 18.55 is het wél gelukt.