6 februari 2001. Betreft: KNIGHTHOOD REVIVAL Kenmerk: JH/HdK20010206.2. Nijmegen, dinsdag 6 februari 2001. Na mijn brief PLUS ULTRA van vandaag te hebben verzonden ben ik nog even bij de State off Metal Store binnengelopen. Men had de paarse jurk daar inmiddels met rood gecombineerd. Men beschikt daar al over alle attributen voor het binnenkort op de Engelenburg te organiseren feest.
Het zal wel even wennen zijn in zo'n harnas, maar ik heb mij daar inmiddels al heel wat jaren op voorbereid. Inmiddels raakt de IRT-affaire aangaande het Alkmaarse probleem van acht jaar geleden in zijn eindfase. In het Algemeen Dagblad las ik dat ons aller Cees Korvinus zich nog steeds met deze zaak bezighoudt. Dat houdt hem eveneens van de straat. Fiasco in IRT-zaak dreigt Voor de zaak Kris J. heb ik in principe geen belangstelling. Uiteraard wel voor de werkzaamheden van mijn oud-klasgenoot van het Nijmeegs Lyceum Mr. Cees Korvinus en hetgeen er met mijn naamgenoot in Alkmaar is gebeurd in april 1993 en onder wiens verantwoordelijkheid. Die zaak heeft mij immers anderhalf jaar van mijn leven gekost en de opbouw van mijn bedrijf ernstig vertraagd. Ik spreek over de periode eind april 1993 tot 1 december 1994. Al bij al bereid ik mij thans graag voor op het toendertijd al geplande feest. Het verhaal van King Arthur begint hier immers al aardig de ronde te doen. Het sluit aan bij mijn laatste woorden uit het boek How to build the bridge. Ik citeer uit eigen werk. Sunday, 31-08-1997. Yesterday evening I visited King Arthur's English Pub and read: "King Arthur appointed so many knights that he gave rise to the expression 1001 Knights. The most famous of them, Sir Lancelot, renowned for his great chivalry, very courteously offered to look after Queen Guinevere whenever King Arthur was away looking for the elusive holy grail. Lancelot and all the other utterly romantic knights vowed to protect dames from dragons and similar fierce creatures. However, nobody vowed to protect damsels from the knights. The court of King Arthur, or King Arthur's, as it came to be known, was celebrated for its hospitality and led to the English proverb still used today Good English food and great English beer maketh the traveller tarry here. King Arthur was the inventor of knights and round tables. He had the idea of sitting his knights at a round table so that no one ever knew who sat at the head. The knights never found out that the table was a gigantic overturned dartboard and that King Arthur sat at the top." Then I went to a terrace and bought a Lucky Strike with the name Diana'and a lighter, although I do not smoke. But sometimes I need a lucky strike. So I sent the following fax message to Andrew Morton: "Good Morning Mr Morton, I have the honour to send you herewith the Certificate of Incorporation of My Company in England. I can use Egyptian capital but only businesslike. Because My Core Business is Education. Did'nt you hear that before by Mr Blair when I visited Britain during last April and went jogging from Earls Court Gym to Hyde Park?" Because I need a Lucky Strike sometimes and can sit at a round table again. Then I took the train to The Hague, to pay a visit to Vitalizee. In the train they told me Lady Di is dead. She died in a car crash in Paris. Is not that a tipical coincidence since I sent my postcard to 'My Fifth Rose' in KP on 30 April and I took the wrong train to Paris? I had to carry on, because You're still in my life. First I went to Vitalizee and spoke with Marc Sanders, cousin of Emily Bremers and looked at the Pavillion of 'Watermans', that reminded me of my stay at 'Watermans' in Henley. I had four glasses of 'De Koninck' that reminded me of the support of the Four Royal Houses of The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and Spain for Our new relationship. Then I went to Noordwijk. De Baak was closed of course. So I went to Huis ter Duin and they offered me Two glasses of 'the queen of beers'. Then to Hotel Oranje. They played Lady in Red and I realized that My Number One is dead!!!. I told this to an American Manager and We have to continue. I trust in Your Brother Charles and hope to meet him very soon. Then I went to The Hague and had a ring at the House of Prince Willem Alexander next to Palace Noordeinde to look for a condolence registrar. I was advised to go to the British Embassy and there I left my letter with the text: "Dear Diana I Love You Still, Rest in Peace". This is to read for Your Brother, because Your Body has gone, But Your Spirit is still alive and that will always be. I will finish The Job and You will always remain in my Heart. Monday, 1-09-1997. No horoscope today. I sent an In Memorian to Our Queen in a fax message and the Management of de Baak. The last words:
Lady Diana Frances Spencer
Princess Of Wales
My Royal Highness
Our Queen of Hearts
Head Of My Organization
Utrecht, 1 September 1997
CC De Baak Noordwijk
Bijlage: 'My Lady'