26 februari 2001. Betreft: DRAKONISCH Kenmerk: JH/HdK20010226.2. Nijmegen, maandag 26 februari 2001. Laurens Jan Brinkhorst sprak vanavond over Drakonische maatregelen. Daar kan ik mij wel iets bij voorstellen sinds mijn bezoek aan de hoofdstad van Noordbrabant hedenmiddag. Enkele beelden

Vertrek Dukenburg 13.50. De conducteur herkende mij al direct. Hij is uit 's-Hertogenbosch afkomstig en inmiddels gewend geraakt aan 'Het Rondje om de Sint Jan'. Aankomst Oeteldonk Centraal 14.25. De grootste oetel stond al opgesteld voor de nachtclub Galaxy.

Het is alweer een hele tijd geleden dat ik deze club bezocht heb. Ik citeer daartoe mijn How to build the Bridge. Sunday, 23-03-1997. I start with the horoscope of yesterday because a lot of things occurred to me. Cancer: 'Projects concerning the home front will make you happy. By means of a conversation with family some fears can come to an end. An unexpected visitor brings life in the brewery this evening'. I think in the first place of Mr. Alan Beer (I still have not signed the signatures card of NatWest), but it may also have something to do with the visit I made unexpectedly to a bar with green light in 's-Hertogenbosch yesterday. A project concerning the home front may be the collaboration with 'Henley'. Pisces: 'Let a lawyer give you an advice concerning a contract. A little cheque gets you into a good humour. Tell the good news to loveds during a dinner in an affordable restaurant'. That contract may be an employment contract. The restaurant makes me think of 'Grand Restaurant Le Connaisseur' in Utrecht where I had dinner yesterday evening. Scorpio: 'A militant attitude leads to nothing. Propose a compromise. A small victory is also of some value. Check the financial tip of a friend'. I think the astrologer is right thinking of my claim. 80 millions is a very huge amount. I will have no problem with such a compromise that other people wont get hurt. The financial tip is the last phase of the career advice that Elizabeth gave me on 22-04-92: 'Look for a financier'. So I started with a visit to the congress of financial matters in Utrecht. Mr. Ernst Delfos was already expecting me and gave me two addresses of potential participators in the Schiphol Project, Mr. Jan Brand, director-owner 'Brunel' in the 'Oude Delft' in Delft. Its daughter company 'Multech' deals with recruitment and selection on Schiphol Airport. Also his colleague, Mr. Willem de Jong of Maintanance Service Consultancy from Zwaagdijk, may be interested. Furthermore I had a conversation with Mr B.G.M. Lacor of 'Nebib', specialized in investments and companies. I will make an appointment with them and also with the Dutch Participation Company in The Hague. Then I made a walk through the center of Utrecht and passed by 'Patisserie Nootenbom' Royal Warrant Holder and a friend of mine, the University listening to a story of Belle van Zuylen (this name derives from 'Tho Söllynck', a medieval place of justice in the open air in Heyden), the Centro Cultural Instituto Cervantes, Scottish Ladie's Wear Shop, the Shop of Laura Ashley and the Town Castle 'Oudaen'. This was a historical visit. In March 1991 my Spain Plan came to an end there. I represented Elizabeth on that occasion. It was an occasion with very sad memories. Yesterday however I was positively surprised by the support of 'orange' and noticed the names 'Liesbeth' and 'Elsbeth' on the display of the cash register. I offered a copy of my 'Certificate of Incorporation Instituto Cervantes England and Wales' to the management of the castle. They promised me to give it a good place in the room where that project ended and my project started in fact. Then I had dinner in 'Grand Restaurant Le Connaisseur'. I chose for 'Pavipollo Gringo'. The menu card reminded me of the card of Restaurant 'Harvester' in Old Windsor near Runnymede and the Magna Charta of 1215 of King John I. So I thought 'I have to celebrate something' and went to a bar in 's-Hertogenbosch where I hade seen some time ago a gentleman trying to pay with a one million dollar paper. I was recognized inmediately in the crowd. A gentleman throwed to me a piece of paper with the words 'Oranje Premium' and asked me: 'Mr. Van der Heyden, do you know Princess Diana and Margriet?' I replied that I had not yet the honour to meet you but that you certainly know me now. In the middle in the night I continued my celebration following a boy in an orange jacket leading me to the disco 'Galaxy' with the Green Light. There I met a boy with the same expression as Prince Willem Alexander. I went to him right away and said: 'That's a familiar face'. He and his friend offered me a drink and his friend told me 'He is afraid of you'. Meanwhile they played 'O Den Haag, mooie stad achter de duinen' (Oh The Hague wonderful town behind the dunes).Then a lady in a white dress carrying a white handbag offered me a drink. It was exactly the same outfit that I noticed on Page 3 of The Mirror of last Thursday. Boy what a night!

Dat verhaal is inmiddels ook bekend in brasserie De Zevende Hemel: "In Alkmaar begint de Victorie". Als ik mij niet vergis was het de kroonprins zélf, waar ik toen een pilsje mee heb gedronken. Ik kan mij dus goed voorstellen dat men de deur daar tot woensdag heeft gesloten. Ik heb er nogal wat aangetrouwde familie wonen. De Keizer is de naam. Mijn moeder is met het Oeteldonkse carnaval opgegroeid. Een van de eerste - zoniet de eerste carnavalsvereniging - is door leden van deze familie opgericht. Het zijn De Kikvorschen en leveren jaarlijks Oeteldonks Prins Amadeiro. Vandaar dat ik nog enkele delen van die familiegeschiedenis heb bezocht.

Ver hoefde ik niet te zoeken. De familie kwam mij al direct tegemoet. Een mens is een spiegel van wat hij geeft werd op de juiste wijze tot uitdrukking gebracht. Opmerkelijk was ook het paarse mannetje bij de gouden draak. Van wagen nummer 28 heb ik geen foto gemaakt. Hij was zwart. Ik heb mijzelf nu dus eveneens op struisvogelpolitiek betrapt.

De grote verrassing verscheen aan het eind van de stoet. De Kikvorschen zelf. Als engelen verkleed. En hun bus, die kwam uit Londen. Van Victoria Station.

Bij thuiskomst trof ik twee gratis verstrekte magazines De Blik in de brievenbus. Wie hiervoor verantwoordelijk is, is mij niet bekend, maar ik vond er wel een advertentie van advocatenkantoor Hoge van den Broek. Mijn jongste zus belde eveneens. Zij gaat morgen op vakantie "To the Loo".