Woensdag 6 februari 2002 Vannacht verzond ik de volgende berichten. 00.53 Cc Ben Harrison Dear Mr Salazar, Thank you for your interest in My Letters to Diana. I think it will be wise to direct directly to Trafford Publishers in Canada. Website: LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES If you have any questions I am prepared to answer them. At your service, JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN SPAIN John Salazar wrote: Please send us the following title for review: Letters to Diana, Princess of Wales by John L. Van der Heyden. Please send to Entertainment Today, 2325 W. Victory Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506 If you have any questions, call (818) 566-4030 Thank you, John Salazar Publisher. 00.54 Subject: First reaction from California Hello Ben, I came back save and sound in Torremolinos in Spain. This evening I found a Canadian flag not far from "The Red Lion". It reminded me that I had to write you a note. I hope you saw the Royal Wedding in Amsterdam. The Cervantes Project is still a continuing story. This evening I brought your news release to my English friends in the bar Jivin' Jaks and the management of Hotel Cervantes. I received the following question from California: "Please send us the following title for review: Letters to Diana, Princess of Wales by John L. Van der Heyden Please send to Entertainment Today, 2325 W. Victory Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506 If you have any questions, call (818) 566-4030 Thank you, John Salazar Publisher " I sent him the following reply: Dear Mr Salazar, Thank you for your interest in My Letters to Diana. I think it will be wise to direct directly to Trafford Publishers in Canada. Website LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES If you have any questions I am prepared to answer them. At your service, JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN SPAIN. "CA" kan ook staan voor "Canada". I'm not sure. 01.23 Aan de 'Coordinadora A.E.P.E. en Cáceres' n.a.v. haar bericht ¡¡Subvención concedida!! Estimados Amigos, Muchas gracias para esta noticia. Creo que el éxito en Lorca va a ser todavía más grande después de que todos los socios hayan leído mi libro recien publicado en inglés con el título LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES. En este libro se puede leer el desarrollo jurídico del Instituto Cervantes en el Benelux, Inglaterra y Gales. Para eso os mando el artículo de prensa de parte del editor en Canadá. Nuestra excursión a Yuste el día 28 de Julio también fue un gran éxito. Muchas gracias a Pedro Navareño también para sus amables informaciones. Estoy preparándome mentalmente para el Congreso de AEPE en Alcalá de Henares, la ciudad de nacimiento de Don Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra, en el año siguiente. Recibe un cordial saludo desde Torremolinos. John Van der Heyden. El artículo de prensa es como sigue: LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES tells of one man's quest for peace of mind etc. En 2.42 aan Ben Harrison Hello Ben, I noticed an error in the news release concerning the price of the book. I read: 435 pages, paperback; $31.99 US ($51.99 US) I suppose the $51.99 US must be $51.99 CDN. Would you please check that and change it. Thanks, JOHN Om 10.00 aan RONALD MIGO. Beste Ron, Wederom vanuit Spanje kan ik je melden dat mijn boek LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES inmiddels op de markt is verschenen. Jij staat hierop afgebeeld op pagina 192, samen met Fer Boshouwers. Het boek is verkrijgbaar via internetsite LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES Aangehecht zend ik je ter informatie ook een Powerpoint Presentatie van de geplande bedrijfsstructuur. Ik denk dat de schop nu ook wel de grond in kan op Het Valkhof. Hartelijke groet, JOHN VAN DER HEYDEN TORREMOLINOS. 12.06 Bezoek aan bank voor nieuwe bankpas (geldig t/m 31-01-2004) en Marjolein Bartelds i.v.m. publikatie boek. Tjitse Breuker belde om 12.30. 15.05 Eerst de post. Ik heb mij gisteren ook aangemeld voor het Congres Spaans op 16 maart in Utrecht. Ik heb mij ingeschreven voor de volgende 'talleres':
1. Luis María
La participación
activa del alumno en una clase de cultura de ELE
Para acercar al alumno a los aspectos culturales en la clase de
ELE, una de las estrategias más provechosas resulta su
implicación lo mas directa posible en la cuestión
que se está tratando. Esta acción consigue la integración
de las destrezas linguísticas que el alumno va ejercitando
de una manera natural y provechosa. A partir de un ejemplo concreto
-el éxodo rural en España- mostraremos cómo
se puede conseguir la participación directa del alumno
en su propio aprendizaje.
2. Valentina de Antonio
La utilización
de las canciones en la clase de español
La utilización de canciones en la clase de español
es uno de los recursos lúdicos mas estimulantes en el aprendizaje
de lenguas. Además de romper con la monotonía del
aula, constituyen un complemento pedagógico sugerente.
Por una parte, entretiene y divierte al estudiante y por otra,
le ofrece un medio de transmisión de la lengua y la cultura
española. El objetivo de este taller es analizar cómo
se puede trabajar con las canciones en la enseñanza del
español. Partiendo de unos textos, seleccionados previamente
en función de los diferentes niveles y de los objetivos
que se quieren alcanzar, se irán analizando diferentes
posibilidades de explotación.
3. Erna Gillen/Margriet
Taalportfolio en
la práctica
En los años noventa del siglo pasado y bajo los auspicios
del Consejo Europeo se desarrolló el llamado Europese
Taalportfolio. En quince países europeos, entre ellos
Holanda (los Países Bajos), se está experimentando
desde entonces con este Taalportfolio. El Taalportfolio
contiene un diario donde los alumnos, cursistas o estudiantes
pueden tasar su nivel en la lengua extranjera. También
pueden hacer un plan propio para aumentar o mejorar sus destrezas.
El nivel, el plan y las actividades a realizar se van guardando
en una biografía y en un dossier del Taalportfolio
para, por último poder rellenar la parte llamada "pasaporte".
Este pasaporte lo pueden presentar en estudios o prácticas
posteriores y en entrevistas de trabajo, bien sea en el propio
país o en el extranjero. En este taller conoceremos las
posibilidades del Taalportfolio, centrándonos en
la parte del "handelingsdeel" de la Segunda Fase.
4. Kees van Esch
Learner Autonomy
in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
En este taller se hará una corta demostración del
zelfstandig leren a partir de un vldeo y unas tareas sobre
la educación intercultural y las cuatro destrezas.
Van het Haags Juristen College ontving ik de volgende brief. Instituto Cervantes Ltd. T.a.v. Dhr. J.L. Van der Heyden TORREMOLINOS, MALAGA Spain 16 januari 2002 Betreft: Annual Return Instituto Cervantes Ltd. Geachte heer Van der Heyden, Bijgaand treft u het Annual Return formulier aan. Het betreft hier het formulier waarmee u jaarlijks opgave dient te doen van gegevens betreffende directie, aandeelhouders, adressen enz. van Instituto Cervantes Ltd. Zoals u kunt zien hebben wij een groot deel van het formulier al voor u ingevuld, zoals wij vermoeden dat het in het geval van uw onderneming juist is. Wij zijn er daarbij van uit gegaan, dat u ons het afgelopen jaar van alle wijzigingen op de hoogte heeft gehouden. Wij verzoeken u het formulier, uiteraard nadat u heeft gecontroleerd of de ingevulde antwoorden juist zijn en het heeft gedateerd, ondertekend (bij 'Declaration' of 'Certificate' door de directeur of secretaris) en er voor uzelf een kopie van heeft gemaakt, zo snel mogelijk aan ons terug te sturen. Wij zullen dan voor terugzending aan Companies House en betaling van de fee zorgdragen. Nota bene: Companies House accepteert uitsluitend originelen. Mocht een en ander vragen bij u oproepen, dan kunt u ons daar natuurlijk altijd over bellen. Met vriendelijke groet, Haags Juristen College (Cyprus) Ltd.
Hierop heb ik de heer P.A. Croughs om 20.06 alsvolgt geantwoord. Subject: Annual Return Instituto Cervantes Ltd. Geachte heer Croughs, Zoals u ziet ben ik wederom op mijn basis aan de Spaanse Zuidkust teruggekeerd. Uw brief van 16 januari 2002 met bijlagen heb ik in goede orde ontvangen. Hiervoor mijn dank. Uw handtekening ontbreekt hierop. Maar ik mag aannemen dat ik deze reactie aan de juiste functionaris doe toekomen. Van de opmerking "Nota bene: Companies House accepteert uitsluitend originelen" heb ik goede nota genomen. Ik heb het ondertekende formulier derhalve voorzien van een bijlage. Mede in het kader van het Vijftigjarig Regeringsjubileum van Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Ik verwijs hierbij naar website De gecontroleerde en getekende bescheiden heb ik hedenavond om 18.38 in aangehechte enveloppe in de brievenbus van het postkantoor van Torremolinos gedeponeerd. Tot slot. Ik ben nog in afwachting van de reactie op mijn laatste email aan de heer Heering. Ik sluit niet uit dat hij naar Nederland heeft gemailed. Ik verzoek u hem dit te laten checken en tot 15 maart contact met mij te onderhouden. Met vriendelijke groet, J.L. VAN DER HEYDEN TORREMOLINOS P.S. Ik hoop van ganser harte dat we in dit nieuwe jaar meerdere aandeelhouders in ons bedrijf kunnen gaan begroeten. De markt is volop in beweging.
Ook een berichtje van Ben Harrison. Ben Harrison wrote: "Hi John: Thanks for the note - I've made that fix on the news release. Re: the review copy to John Salazar, we always recommend that you as the author send the review copy - that way you can add whatever promotional materials or covering letters you might want to add. The nine review copies that are en route (or you may have them in hand now) are sent for this purpose. I'll suppose you're celebrating the Queen's 50th anniversary today? Thanks, Cheers, Ben Harrison, Manager of Author Services, Trafford Publishing. 20.24 Mijn reactie: Thanks Ben, Yes I am celebrating indeed. Although still alone in my appartment. Unfortunately the nine copies did not arrive in time in Utrecht. The 16th of March will be the first occasion that I can get them at the Post Office. But I think I will need some more. I was advised to take them with me to the Kremlin. In all the emails that I am sending I add the internetsite of the book. Next email will go to Canterbury today. That's the place where the story started on the first of August 1996. I don't know if the Archbishop will allow vid Bthem to be sold in the Cathedral. Perhaps Reverend David Reverend David Brindley will, from Warwick. When he has to take over his place. Because Dr Carey is going to resign.Yes, I notice you changed the American dollars into Canadians. Well done. It has been noticed already here by the people of the Costa del Sol. Cheers, and thanks again. JOHN.
21.41 De volgende berichten verzonden als reacties: 21.14 Geachte heer Notenbomer, Hartelijk dank voor uw berichtgeving. Wellicht is het een goed idee ook mijn eerste boek in uw assortiment op te nemen en via Bruna op de Nederlandse markt te distribueren. Mijn boek LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES is in feite een zeer bijzondere MANAGEMENT CASE. Het behandelt de opbouw van de geplande holding INSTITUTO CERVANTES HOLDING als Nederlands-Brits Familiebedrijf Van der Heyden/Spencer. Op 31 augustus 1997 is de opbouw gestagneerd, maar dient verder te worden voortgezet. Onderstaand treft u dienaangaande het eerste persbericht aan van mijn eerste uitgever in Canada. Ik reken op een vruchtbare samenwerking. Hoogachtend, J.L. VAN DER HEYDEN LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES tells of one man's quest for peace of mind LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES by John L. Van der Heyden ISBN 1-55212-939-X etc. wrote: Geachte heer Van Der Heyden, Managementboek.COM is vernieuwd. Er is besloten tot een samenwerking met om de service naar u toe te verbeteren. Zo is het nu mogelijk om naast managementboeken ook andere titels te bestellen en zijn er meer betaal- en bezorgmogelijkheden. Daarnaast zijn de bezorgkosten aanzienlijk verlaagd. Wel dient u zich bij een bestelling eenmalig opnieuw aan te melden. Uiteraard blijft de nadruk op managementliteratuur liggen en zullen we u altijd een zo goed mogelijke selectie voorleggen. Een overzicht van belangrijke veranderingen vindt u onder deze persoonlijke noot. Het spreekt voor zich dat we open staan voor uw vragen, opmerkingen en suggesties. Stuur ze naar Uw suggesties worden zeer gewaardeerd en vormen de basis bij de verdere ontwikkeling van Managementboek.COM. Met vriendelijke groet, Namens managementboek.COM, René Notenbomer
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21.16 Aan h.hediger Muchas gracias Helga, Muy buena idea. Intento llevar dos ejemplares. Uno para la junta organizadora y el otro para el señor Pútin. Para el caso que nos pueda recibir en el Kremlin. Pero le doy el Honor de obsequiarlos a Usted como Presidenta de la Asociación. Un saludo cordial - JOHN Helga Hediger wrote: Estimado Johannes: Te felicito por tu libro, seguramente será un éxito. Quizás puedas llevar un ejemplar a Rusia para poder obsequiarlo. Te adjunto la Hoja Info de enero. Cordiales saludos - Helga.
21.38 Dear Mr. Capper, Thank you very much for this message. It is a very good choice to base the International Association of Language Centres in Canterbury. That is the place where on the first of August my book LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES starts. You would do me a very great favour to inform the bookstores in Cambridge about the release of my book. In fact the book needs to be shown all over the place. As a matter of fact it is the last Canterbury Tale until now. I think Archbishop Dr Carey will be interested as well. Because I lighted a candle in his cathedral for Diana. I hope I may count on your indispensable collaboration and will meet you from 3-5 May here in Málaga. Kind regards JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN LETTERS TO DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES tells of one man's quest for peace of mind etc. IALC wrote: Dear Colleagues, From January 2002, the International Association of Language Centres will be based in Canterbury, England: Please note our new address and contact numbers below. Thank you, Jan Capper IALC Secretariat International Association of Language Centres (I.A.L.C.) PO Box 798 Canterbury CT1 2WX United Kingdom Agents: Join us in Malaga for the annual IALC Agent Workshop from 3-5 May 2002!
Ook ontving ik een belangwekkend bericht van Dan Poynter d.d. 24 januari 3.12 uur John, Congratulations on the publication of your book. You have just given birth to a new member of your family. Along with the joy of being published, you now have the responsibility of raising your new family member. "Whether you sell out to a large (New York) publisher or publish yourself, the author must do the promotion." Publishers only produce books and place them in stores. Authors must generate interest to encourage people to go into the stores to pull the books through the system. Here are several pages of tips and resources to help you with your book promotion. It will take some time to wade through them but you will discover a goldmine of book promotion advice, leads and ideas. In fact, you may wish to forward some or all to some of your writing or publishing colleagues. Book promotion is an exciting, challenging and fun business. I've been in this industry for over thirty years and it was a lot more difficult when I started. Today, there are many courses, support groups (associations), manuals and a lot of nice publishers. Forget what you know about book writing, publishing, promoting and selling; the model just changed-for the better! New technology and a streamlined approach enable you to promote your book for far less money. It is all part of the New Book Model. You will substitute email for expensive Postal mail, your Web site for expensive brochures and virtual review copies for expensive printed books. More specifically: Multipurpose. You will re-purpose your core content for Web-based downloadable books, ebook readers, compact discs, articles, special reports, compatible (non-info) products, seminars, consulting and digital audio. epromotion. You will discover faster, cheaper, more effective epromotion. I will describe sending ereview books and enews releases. I will show you examples of using expanded color business cards rather than expensive color brochures. I will describe the new ways to handle radio/TV interviews and why you should stage mini seminars rather than autographings. I will show to how to use email to sell foreign rights, online bookstores and book clubs. You will turn specialty stores, associations, magazines and conventions into dealers. You will sell to catalogs, as premiums, fundraisers and to the military/government. Disintermediation. Now you can cut out the intermediaries and sell directly to your reader/end user just as Stephen King has done. Today, the creator of the book can deal directly with the reader. Most of your buyers will find you; you do not have to go looking for them. You will make more money, get to press sooner and keep control of your work. ecommerce. You will sell your books and reports electronically, automatically and unattended. For electronic versions of your book, there are no printing bills, no trucking-in, no inventory, no package wrapping, no postage, no sales tax collections and best of all: no interrupting telephone orders. Your reading customer gets instant delivery and you bank the sale at your convenience.
The New Publishing Model is described in detail in my presentations and the latest edition of The Self-Publishing Manual. See ? The Self-Publishing Manual, How to Write, Print & Sell Your Own Book by Dan Poynter is a complete course in writing, publishing, marketing, promoting and distributing books. The in-depth study of the book publishing industry will help you to sell to both the book trade and non-traditional markets. Discover complete details of the New Book Model; new ways to write, promote, market and distribute books.. The Manual is a constant reference for publishers. Writer's Digest Book Club selection. ISBN 1-56860-063-1 Softcover book, 5.5 x 8.5, 432 pages $19.95. See And scroll down.
Join the Publishers Marketing Association. PMA is an international organization of more than 3,500 publishers who have banded together to market books cooperatively. They make joint mailings and exhibit together at book (and other) fairs for great savings of time and money. For a free magazine and membership kit, contact PMA, 627 Aviation Way, Manhattan Beach.
Visit our web site for over 500 pages of free resources on book writing, producing, marketing, promoting and distributing. Also see the Research Links.
Free listing. Once your book is published, you may list it free on the Para Publishing Web site. Just click on Success Stories and fill in the form. Include your email address and URL so that interested surfers can click directly back to you.
Subscribe to our free newsletter Publishing Poynters for the latest information on book writing, publishing and promoting. Each issue is jammed with book news, tips, resources, freebies and some humor. To see past editions, subscribe or unsubscribe. Consulting. I am also available for one-on-one private consulting. I can help you in Santa Barbara, at your place or over the telephone. Most consulting is by telephone. Book Shepherds are a particular kind of consultant. They specialize in taking a book project through all the necessary steps that may include editing, design, typesetting, locating the right printer, getting a distributor, marketing and promotion (including your Web presence). Shepherds work with the author/publisher to assure that the book is produced and marketed efficiently and economically. These godparents use their experience and contacts to make sure all the publishing bases are covered and that they are covered in the right order. Some of the better-known Book Shepherds are: Cynthia Frank, Alan Gadney, Brian Jud, Gail Kearns/Penny Paine, Janice Phelps, Linda Radke, Ellen Reid, Simon Warwick-Smith, Ernie Weckbaugh
The Book Shepherd: A virtual production & marketing director who is your mentor, tutor, coach and friend in the book business. Contact them to see what each one can do for you.
Workshop. Come to a workshop here in Santa Barbara. We will take you by the hand and spend two days showing you the New Model: You will handle all the new electronic toys and will leave with a power binder of materials and resources. And scroll down. And, come see me at some other great conferences around North America. . If you are in Southern California, I present a seminar on nonfiction book publishing at the Learning Annex every month but December. I will take you through the New Book Model and show you how to promote your book. Then I will show you how to multi-purpose it: turn it into a downloadable book, a CD, an ebook, etc. You will get a voluminous handout with resources. For class schedules, call the Learning Annex in Los Angeles at 310-478-6677. Ask for Dan Poynter's Book Writing Course #522-A. The cost is $49. The three-hour course begins at 6:30 PM.
We have a lot of books, reports, disks, videos, etc. to help you.
? Book Marketing: A New Approach is a low-cost marketing plan for your book. It describes each book-trade distributor and lists the types of books they specialize in. Then it shows you how to approach them. The Report goes on to lead you through a three-step plan for selling directly to the customer, a five-step plan for selling to bookstores, a seven-step plan for libraries, all the subsidiary rights, and our specialty: the more lucrative non-traditional markets. You will discover how to sell your books to catalogs, as premiums, as fundraisers, to specialty stores, etc. This step-by-step plan will make sure you have completely covered every possible market. An absolute gold mine of book promotion references and sources. Start your book promotion with this Special Report.
? Non-Traditional Book Markets (audio tape). Dan Poynter changes your thinking about marketing books as he has you looking beyond the bookstores. You will learn all about premiums, compatible product sales, audiotapes, fund raisers, catalogs, the export market, selling the military and much more. This 60-minute tape is for both new and seasoned publishers. Resources. ISBN: 1-56860-002-X, Tape P-105. $9.95.
Promoting your book. The most effective and least expensive way to promote your book is by sending out lots of review copies to subject-specific magazines and newsletters, following up with news releases and by using highly targeted direct email to your colleagues.
? Book Reviews shows you in detail how to take advantage of the free publicity available to books. Reviews are not hard to get if you follow the unwritten (until now) rules. This Report provides paint-by-the-numbers instructions for making galleys and describes in a detailed action plan on how to set up a review program so your books will be reviewed again and again. It covers pre-publication reviews, early reviews, retail reviews, and continuing reviews with examples of the packages for each. The Report even tells you what to do with the reviews after you receive them-using them to generate even more reviews. Complete with lists of major reviewers and sources for the rest. Examples and resources. ISBN 1-56860-032-1.
Mailing lists. Dan Poynter's unique book promotion mailing lists
may be rented. Advertising space is expensive; editorial space
is free. Use these lists to send review copies of books and news
releases to specialized magazines, newsletters and newspaper columns.
Review copies and news releases are your least expensive and most
effective form of book promotion.
? News Releases and
Book Publicity shows you how to draft
news releases and other print publicity for your books. After
book reviews, news releases are your most effective and least
expensive form of book promotion and you may send one out every
month. Newspaper and magazine editors want to pass on interesting
information to their readers. The trick is to draft an interesting
news release (tied into your book) that the editor will want to
use. This report has step-by-step instructions, paint-by-the-numbers
format outlines, many examples and resources. ISBN 1-56860-033-X,
Special Report, 38 pages, $19.95 And scroll down.
Direct Mail for Book Publishers shows how you can compete with the larger publishers by taking your message directly to the reader. Discover the rules of direct mail such as repetition, timing, response formulas, and profit analysis. Learn to find and evaluate lists. Follow the plan for drafting your brochure and cover letter; assemble a direct mail package that brings results. This Report also shows you how to assemble your own lists to rent to others-providing you with a new profit center. If you have a non-fiction book with an identifiable audience (and can find or assemble a mailing list for it), you may use direct mail successfully to sell books. This is the only publication on direct mail advertising written specifically for book publishers. Covers both Postal and direct email. ISBN 1-56860-030-5, Special Report, 42 pages, $19.95.
? Book Fulfillment: Order Entry, Picking, Packing and Shipping explains in detail how to set up and run your shipping department. The Report covers order taking (letter openers, credit cards, card terminals, 800 numbers, fax, order services, order forms, and discount structures); order processing (computer hardware and software, shipping labels, short slips, bad cheques, overpayments, invoices, back orders, the Federal Trade Commission rules, complaints, book return policy, statements and collections); inventory and storage (shipping instructions to printer, book receiving, book returns, inventory control, stacking, and shipping room layout) and book packaging (how to wrap, where to get and how to use shipping bags and cartons, machinery such as tape dispensers, scales, postage meters and bag sealers with sources, using UPS, Direct Sacks and various Postal rates, foreign shipping and customs duty). Then the Report covers the alternatives to in-house fulfillment: using wholesalers, distributors, joint representation and fulfillment warehouses with a list of those to contact. Complete with forms and shipping rate charts, an action plan and an Appendix full of resources. ISBN 1-56860-037-2, Special Report, 47 pages, $19.95.
?Successful Nonfiction: Tips & Inspiration for Getting Published by Dan Poynter. This is a gift book for the writer within or the writer in your life. It might be described as Life's Little Instruction Book meets Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul. Each page hits you right in the thought process with a tip, an explanation, an illustrative story and a writing quotation. All writers will find this book informative, insightful and fun. "Bet you can't read just one."
You will discover: 38 Tips on how to write, 11 Tips on why you should write, 4 Tips on why your writing project should be a book, 21 Tips on what to write, 7 Tips on doing research, 9 Tips for building your book, 3 Tips on Copyright, 10 Tips for finding the right agent or publisher, 6 Tips on book promotion, And much, much more.
Successful Nonfiction is a beautiful book. The soft cover book has gold stamping, embossing, French flaps, end sheets and a matte finish. It is a book as an "art form". ISBN 1-56860-061-5. Softcover book, 5.5 x 8.5, 144-pages. $14.95.
Fiction and Poetry are harder to sell. If you are not working on nonfiction, you must get
? Publishing Fiction & Poetry. Fiction and poetry must be sold-just like anything else. This Report will put you in touch with the right people and products: books, tapes, reports, magazines, mailing lists, contests, marketing consultants and more. It tells you how to find a publisher. Document 606, 8 pages, Paper: $8.95; self-service Electronic: $4.95.
The Para Publishing web site has even more resources on all phases of book writing, producing, publishing, selling, promoting and distributing. Let us know what you need. Contact Para Publishing at 800-PARAPUB or Para Publishing is your non-fiction book promotion information source; we are here to help.
Good luck and may your new book
climb to the top of the charts.
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Information Products on Book Writing/Publishing/Promoting, Parachutes/Skydiving,
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PO Box 8206, Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206 USA Over 500 pages of helpful information.