Vrijdag 23 augustus 2002 Toezichthouder beurs gehoord in Boonstra-zaak Bestuurslid Autoriteit-FM gehoord in zaak Boonstra Al bij al heeft deze zaak de ontwikkeling van ons bedrijf ernstig vertraagd. Ik citeer mijn boek. "3 december 1996 Ontwikkelingen. Lieve Diana, Met genoegen laat ik je weten dat ik de medewerking heb verzocht om informatie te verstrekken omtrent toekomstige behoeften aan werving, selectie, onderwijs en training bij de Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur Akzo Nobels Chemicals B.V.; Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur KLM; Management Heineken Nederland N.V.; Voorzitter Raad van Bestuur Philips Electronics N.V." Etc. 16.20 Terug van Málaga. VT 12.06 VM 15.00. De heer Rafael Torres García heeft het boek in zijn kiosk liggen en leest erin als hij geen klanten heeft. Hij had inmiddels een flink stuk gelezen. Wandeling gemaakt naar de Anglicaanse kerk en de plaats aan de haven waar in oktober 1995 de foto van mij is gemaakt.
Bij terugkeer in Torremolinos trof ik het volgende artikel aan in The Daily Telegraph. If Diana were alive today, she would side with the afflicted Verzonden: Original Message Subject: Diana's Legacy Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 17:33:11 +0200 From: Organization: Instituto Cervantes NBLEW To:telegraph.co.uk Dear Editor, With interest I read your article "If Diana were alive today, she would side with the afflicted" by Mr W F Deedes, that I quote at the foot of this message. Today I visited the English cemetary in Málaga. That is the place where our story started already long ago. You ask yourself "If Diana were alive today, what would she have done?" I think. In fact that is the question that British people are asking themselves regularly. I have the idea that most British citizens still have not any idea about The Truth. You can find it in my book 'Letters to Diana, Princess of Wales'. It is for sale at Amazon.com. I am convinced that We would have a wonderful Dutch-English family company Van der Heyden/Spencer if She were alive today. You may imagine that I was not very happy with the actions of Mr Dodi. He should have known better. He should have known that it is not allowed to drive faster than 30 miles an hour through the streets of Paris. It's not done to judge about the deaths. Because they cannot defend themselves anymore. But we have to look to the facts. Speaking for example about Diana's Legacy I also think about Her Heritage and Her Last Will, that in accordance with my information has been made up by Mr Anthony Julius in December 1996 and has never been published. On that occasion I sent four years ago the following registered letter to HRH The Prince of Wales, and a copy of that letter to the Prime Minister. Attached you find His reaction of 13 October 1998.
I herewith authorize you to publish this information in The Daily Telegraph of tomorrow. Next 28 August I will go back to The Netherlands on occasion of the Sixth Anniversary of my First Engagement after my Divorce. YOURS SINCERELY, JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN COSTA DEL SOL SPAIN P.S. This afternoon I saw a girl in La Alameda in Málaga with on her shirt the following lettering: "Are U the One?" Answer: Yes I am the One. "U" is "You" in Dutch. Ontvangen: Original Message Subject: RE: Diana's Legacy Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 16:39:21 From: "The Daily Telegraph" The Comment Editor wishes to acknowledge your e-mail with thanks. The Daily Telegraph, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DT. Daarna meteen een telefoontje van een mevrouw uit Málaga die naamsbekendheid wil verwerven voor haar bedrijf. In november mag zij terugbellen.