Español Nederlands POLICY MAKING
The holding company particularly controls the achievements and cares about the formulation and execution of a common product market policy. One of the most important tasks is the development of the overall business strategy, the determination of the package of activities which the organization will carry out. The management of the holding company will establish and/or dispose and discontinue of divisions. The policy making also consists of the guarding of the trademark in collaboration with trade mark attourney Knijff & Partners in Weesp in the Netherlands, formulation and guarding the quality issues of the common product of the business units, the care for a unity of price setting and the establishing of competition agreements concerning the division of the market in relation to the common product.
The Spanish Instituto Cervantes can fulfil a supporting function in connection with the in § 4.5 mentionned product groups, from a cultural point of view. Also courses, trainings and educational programmes of the Spanish Plan Curricular can be carried out in Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands in charge of the Instituto Cervantes Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, England and Wales on a contractual basis.