Education & Training, Recruitment & Selection, Management, Business Consultancy, Travels, Translation Services, Interpret Services, Public Relations, Communication, Publishing, Spanish in Spain and Latin America, America, Enterprises, Air Lines, Automation, Internet, Productions, Insurances, Hotels, Football, Princess Diana Stadium, Television, Real Estate.
Monday, 7-04-1997
Juan Carlos is waiting for me in Madrid during a long time
already. I will not go alone and should like you to be my partner
on that visit. I hope you will. Your
DECLARATION The undersigned, Johannes
Lambertus van der Heyden, born 9 November 1947 in Nijmegen,
Netherlands, herewith authorizes legally to Lady
Diana Frances Spencer, Princess of Wales, born the first of
July 1961 at Sandringham, United Kingdom, to give all relevant
personal information about his Curriculum
Vitae to the Head Master
at Windsor, Berkshire, England. Nijmegen, Netherlands, the seventh of April 1997.