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Monday, 16-06-1997
I was called by
Debby Magdelijns on behalf of Mrs M.M.E. de Kroon and Mr G.F.M. Geenen of Education Supportcenter with the request to send them information about the plans. I will. I also visited Sector Bestuursrecht, Maliebaan 34, 3581 CR UTRECHT, and noticed a chime with the message Number One in the familiar green paint. So I pressed the right button.

And of course First things First: writing the appeal. I also saw the message of the RAI Congress Centre not to mix up business with politics. I will do my best. Although the Eurotop has my attention of course. I saw the reception in the Royal Palace of Amsterdam, where Tony Blair had a good conversation with Prince Willem-Alexander. The Editor of NRC Handelsblad is established at Paleisstraat 1 in Amsterdam. I delivered my appeal at the District Court after having made copies at the office of Start in 27 Emma Street. I see on page 9 of NRC that Mr Elco Brinkman was posing for the collection of Madame Tussaud. Now I understand where he was laughing for!