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Saturday, 12-07-1997
Back from Amsterdam. It was a very good reunion. I agreed with
all the ideas of the Scientologists: Ethics on the first place.
I support their crusade against psychiatry for example. On the
other hand I chose only for positive developments: Let People Flower.
I was impressed by the presentation of the British girl. I think
she knows my message very well. We decided to start two funds
and working side by side. I wore the orange sweatshirt with the
lettering New York 1997 in purple
and red. I will not change my course but decided to take
my Weekly Report number 26
- that I received after the Security Check - to Britain. But We
will go on in our battle for Rightgiousness. Speaking about ethics:
Adultery is not ethical at all. Another subject: Fashion. I see that Christian
Dior (Galliano?) and Givenchy adopted our favourite colours. Management:
There's a new course for managers: Playing Shakespeare. It
seems that everyone is taking over my ideas again. History: NRC
has an article about King
Philip II of Spain (1527 - 1598). His half brother Juan
died in the Netherlands. Cervantes
worked for him. This concerns my contacts
with the International
Association of Scientology. I made my statement clear yesterday.
We have the same objectives but first I need their support, sponsoring
a wedding for example. I made clear that my first objective is
to build the bridge
with England. John Travolta is an important
person in their organization and you gave him the honour to dance
with you. Now it's their turn to do something back. I also stated
that I will not become a member of the Scientology Church because
I had already chosen for the Church
of England, but I am certainly interested in one of their
educational programmes. Therefore I will go back next Wednesday.