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Saturday, 19-07-1997
This concerns the gossips of Mr Van der Meyden of course. I was inclined to react to tell him that he has to publish only Your own words and not the words of other people or his own fantasies. I also see an article about Warwick Castle and the Peacock Garden. It reminds me of The English Patient again. I will discuss this issue in Amsterdam with our British guests this evening and tell them 'I want to marry the Princess of Wales and need your support'. I will also send the Business Plan to your Prime Minister today. Then he can work with it in order to solve the constitutional crisis. I will explain him my intentions.
I sent the Business Plan to your Prime Minister and a letter with the following text: Business Plan. I bought 60 red roses. One for every year before I Di. I read that British Airways and Iberia are going to collaborate. That will become Royal Cervantes Airlines of course and big business! In Red, Purple and Yellow!