De 28ste van de maand is altijd een dag van belangrijke besluiten. Dat is al begonnen op 28 augustus 1996. In dit verband verzond ik afgelopen maandag om 18.18 het volgende bericht Dear Chris, I received your message of last Sunday. As a matter of fact I have not been seriously injured and I think your brother may be glad about it. When he really would have done me seriously harm the consecuences for him would have been very serious. The penalties for this sort of atrocities are very high nowadays. But I decided not to turn him in. Torremolinos Police has watched the situation very carefully as you probably will have noticed when they let us know that they were about to sleep. I don't know if I need an apology from Jim but I only wonder what his motives were. As a matter of fact I am saddened as well and still in a shock about it. I am still not yet recovered from the shock of Diana's death. As from 1991 I worked on the relationship with Her and in six weeks time as from the 11th of July 1997 until the 31st of August everything was ruined by someone who died as well. Nevertheless I have always acted with the greatest care and always according to the rules and the law remaining always true, honest and supportive to Her Royal Majesty the Queen. I still cannot stand all the lies that have been told about Diana and the abuse that has been made of Her during and after Her life. I waited to involve HRH The Prince Wales into this problem. But now that he is married with the woman he always wanted I requested his support to solve the whole situation on a legally responsible way as you can read at Eight Years Later So there is not any reason for using violence. I will accept any reasonable solution for the problem and am grateful for your consideration. Therefore I request you once again to apply for a VAT-number for our company in order to settle the material issues concerning this situation. Thank you very much in advance. YOURS SINCERELY JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN De statistiek van vandaag. 480 bezoeken. Gemiddeld 556. Jaartotaal 207.299. Daniëlle Roex komt in dit verband vandaag weer goed in beeld in verband met het artikel Chapeau voor de Koningin. Ik hoop dan ook dat onze Raad van Bestuur - waarvan ik de samenstelling nog niet ken - vandaag alle knopen door zal hakken, zodat we weer eens samen kerst kunnen vieren op de Baak. In de Top 100 van 2092 verwijzende pagina's zie ik geen opmerkelijke veranderingen

Ten gevolge van mijn val op 8 september was het mij niet meer mogelijk om te gaan trimmen. Daarom heb ik het vandaag opnieuw geprobeerd. Het ging goed tot aan HOTEL TRITON. Daarna teruggewandeld. 18.45 In mijn bericht van gisteren inzake mijn gemaakte ontwikkelingskosten zat een dubbeltelling van EUR 40.824,36 in mijn spreadsheet. Hiervoor mijn excuses. Dit heb ik thans gecorrigeerd. De daadwerkelijk door mij gemaakte ontwikkelingskosten bedragen op dit moment dus EUR 106.945,46. Het leukste nieuws van vandaag betreft mijn erfgenaam in het Verenigd Koninkrijk: Prins William voetbalt dagje mee met profs.