Nijmegen donderdag 29 augustus 2002 Eerst het nieuws van gisteren. Hoogendijk afgezet als vice-fractievoorzitter LPF Steeds meer flexdocenten voor klas Straw bepleit Europese grondwet Vliegmaatschappij Air Holland wankelt Vandaag, 29 augustus 2002 Balkenende doet rondje Benelux Uit de televisiebeelden van gisteravond heb ik opgemaaktdat de heer Balkenende ook de Nederlandse ambassade in Brussel heeft bezocht waar ik op 6 november 1996 mijn beleidsplan aan Ambassadeur Röell heb aangeboden. Hoofdrol voor schoon water op Wereldtop Wit poeder voor Gore Het was gisteren een reis 'volgens het boekje'. Vertrek Málaga 11.00 uur. Aankomst Schiphol 13.35 uur. Eén van de stewardessen verzocht mij een enquêteformulier in te vullen. Daarvoor kreeg ik een flesje Zuidafrikaanse wijn cadeau: "Drostdy-Hof", hetgeen mij ogenblikkelijk deed denken aan mijn "Brief aan oom Piet in Zuid-Afrika", als reactie op het boekje 'Flexwerken' van Peter Ottenhoff. Ik heb de diensten van TRANSAVIA in alle opzichten als 'zeer goed' beoordeeld. Met uitzondering van de kleur: die moet uiteraard nog veranderen in rood en paars. Ook heb ik mijn visitekaartje in de enveloppe achtergelaten. Na aankomst met de trein naar Duivendrecht. Om 15.00 trof ik daar een hoofdofficier van de Koninklijke Marechaussee en heb hem eveneens een kaartje verstrekt. Hij vroeg mij al direct hoe het gaat met de verkoop van mijn boek en of ik al inhoudelijke reacties op mijn Letters heb ontvangen. Hierop heb ik hem laten weten dat ik daarover afspraken heb gemaakt met de lijfwacht van Prinses Diana op ETON COLLEGE en ik verwacht dat de verkoopcijfers zullen stijgen zodra er 'nog enkele juridische zaken zijn afgewerkt'. Daar kon hij zich wel een beeld van vormen."U heeft ook nog met een collega van mij gesproken", liet hij mij weten. "Dat klopt. In Bar Number One in Torremolinos. Hij heet Ruud en woont in Emmen". Rond 15.30 aankomst Utrecht. Daar de postbus geledigd. Ik trof er de volgende stukken aan.

1. Dankbetuiging van Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid de Prins van Oranje voor de goede wensen die Hij ter gelegenheid van zijn verjaardag mocht ontvangen, d.d. 29-04-2002 gericht aan de Stichting Cervantes Benelux.

2. Brief aan de Stichting Cervantes Benelux van Minister-President W. Kok d.d. 17 mei 2002, kenmerk 430069, poststempel 21.05.02.

Minister-President Ministerie van Algemene Zaken Postadres Postbus 20001 2500 EA Den Haag Bezoekadres Binnenhof 19, Den Haag Datum 17 mei 2002 Kenmerk 430069. Stichting Cervantes Benelux De heer J.L van der Heyden Postbus 689 3500 AR UTRECHT. Geachte heer Van der Heyden, Hierbij bevestig ik de ontvangst van uw brief over de aanslag op de heer Fortuyn op 6 mei 2002. Direct na de moord heb ik namens de regering woorden van deelneming en innig medeleven uitgesproken. Deze vreselijke gebeurtenis is diep tragisch: voor de nabestaanden, voor ziin geestverwanten en voor allen die hem dierbaar waren. Ook diep tragisch voor ons land en voor onze democratische rechtsstaat. In een verdraagzaam land, een democratie, met natuurlijk politieke tegenstellingen heeft men respect voor elkaar en elkaars mening en gebruikt men geen geweld. Ik hoop van harte dat we er in ons land in slagen gezamenlijk de basis te versterken voor een veilige samenleving, waarin tolerantie, respect en begrip voor elkaar centraal staan. Hieraan kan een ieder zijn of haar bijdrage leveren. De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken, W. Kok.

Dit als reactie op het volgende faxbericht: Dagboek.

3. Brief aan Instituto Cervantes Holding van Minister-President W. Kok d.d. 7 juni 2002, kenmerk 431549/432034, poststempel 07.0602

Minister-President Ministerie van Algemene Zaken Postadres Postbus 20001 2500 EA Den Haag Bezoekadres Binnenhof 19, Den Haag Datum 7 juni 2002 Kenmerk 431549/432034. Instituto Cervantes Holding De heerJ.L. van der Heyden Postbus 689 3500 AR UTRECHT. Geachte heer Van der He,vden, Uw brief van 17 mei 2002 heb ik in goede orde ontvangen. In uw brief verzoekt u mij om uw plaats in te nemen in het bestuur van de Stichting Cervantes Benelux. Op uw verzoek zal ik niet ingaan. Overigens stel ik geen prijs op verdere toezending van uw dossiers. De Minister-President, Minister van Algemene Zaken, W. Kok.

4. Brief aan Instituto Cervantes t.a.v. John L. v d Heyden van Ad Melkert d.d. 6 juni 2002.

Plein 2 Postbus 20018, 2500 EA Den Haag Tweede-Kamerfractie Partij van de Arbeid Instituto Cervantes t.a.v. John L. van der Heyden PB 689 3500 AR Utrecht Den Haag, 6 juni 2002 Geachte mijnheer Van der Heyden, Hartelijk bedankt voor uw brief van 7 mei jl. Het spijt me dat het zo lang heeft geduurd voordat u antwoord kreeg. De beantwoording van brieven heeft de laatste weken vertraging opgelopen. Excuses daarvoor. De gebeurtenissen van de afgelopen tijd hebben Nederland diep geschokt en in verwarring gebracht. Het is niet verbazingwekkend dat dat ook de Spaanse Zuidkust heeft bereikt. Inmiddels zijn de nieuwe politieke verhoudingen in Nederland duidelijk. De PvdA heeft fors verloren. Ik ben van nature niet iemand die de handdoek in de ring gooit, zeker niet op de allermoeilijkste momenten. Er zal nu alles aan gedaan moeten worden om vertrouwen te herstellen. Ik wil daaraan mijn bijdrage leveren, maar het is beter dat anderen hiervoor nu de eerste verantwoordelijkheid gaan dragen. Nogmaals dank voor de steun in uw brief en voor de informatie over uw boek 'Letters to Diana'. Met vriendelijke groet, Ad Melkert.

5. Twee royalty-cheques van Trafford met brieven d.d. 6 mei en 6 augustus 2002.

a. 6 mei. Dear Author: Spring greetings from Trafford Publishing! Thanks to all our authors (about one thousand of you now!) for using our publishing service. "Without the talent, there would be no show!" Enclosed you may find details on royalties and sales of your book(s) during the months of January, February and March. If there is no printout about sales, there were no copies sold. If you had an outstanding account (i.e. you owed money to Trafford), your royalties will have been applied to that outstanding account and you'll be receiving a statement showing this. Occasionally, payments from authors will cross in the mail with these royalty letters, so if you have questions about settling debts, please contact Monique ( At any time, you can monitor your book's sales by going to this web page: or go to the Author Toolkit section and look for the link called Check your royalty account. If you have forgotten your user name and password, please contact your author services representative. The sales and royalty information is updated weekly, with details on individual orders appearing after the books are shipped. In those sales listings, an order with 15% trade discount generally denotes a purchase by a library or educational institute. A discount of 25% indicates a direct-to-customer sale at our bookstore. Sales through any other bookstore (an online store or the bricksand-mortar type) will show a 40% discount, and the city shown will be the bookstore's address, not the retail customer's (we are not told who their customers are). Discounts of 48% to 55% indicate sales through a distributor such as Baker & Taylor or Scholar's Bookshelf. Many authors are having us deposit royalties directly into their credit card account. We strongly encourage this direct deposit approach, since it cuts down on paperwork, is quicker and bypasses various fees that your local bank may wish to impose for cashing cheques. Let Monique know if you wish to opt for this plan ( Book sales continue to increase - and it is no surprise that the authors doing the most marketing work are getting the strongest results. To ensure prompt turnaround for retail and wholesale sales, we've bought a fourth 112-page-per-minute black & white printer and the fifth will come in the surnmer. Discussions are also underway about buying a larger capacity colour printer (for the covers). Patricia Graham ( is our new order desk specialist. She's your contact when you order books for your own distribution and you will receive these discounts:

* 50 or more, 3% off the single copy price
* 100 or more, 6% off
* 250 or more, 9% off
* 500 or more, 12% off
* 1000 or more, 15% off

Handling/packaging/admin fee for orders of less than 50 books is now US$10.00 [Cdn$15.00]. There is no handling/packaging fee for orders of 50 or more copies. We are delighted to learn the many ways our authors are employing to market their books. Please keep us informed about any reviews, signings and other news so your author services rep can post details in the Publisher's Notebook section of our website. Please note: if you are planning a public appearance, you can take orders and record all the credit card info, then fax or phone the details to us to fill the order. There is no discount involved. The transaction is technically between the customer and Trafford - you will receive your regular royalty on the sale. If you wish to have blank forms for recording the information, please ask your author rep to prepare and mail some to you.


Paying for search engine "hits"
A few authors are experimenting with online advertising. You "buy" or "bid for" words or phrases at various search engine sites and pay only for those people who "click through" to your website or to your book's webpage at Trafford's website. To learn more about this technique, check out these links:

If you're seeking an agent, editor, or conventional publisher for your book or a syndicate for an article or column, the submission service can help you target the appropriate contacts and send out mailings for you by e-mail or regular mail. They have lists of agents, publishers and syndicates, plus free articles on how to market your work. Go to for more information - you get a 10% discount if you mention Trafford referred you. This service is run by Trafford author Gini Graham Scott. Contact her at Creative Communications & Research, 6114 La Salle. #358, Oakland, CA 94611, phone 510-339-1625, fax 510-339-1626, email to, a service of, is an online directory of authors and experts who are available for media interviews. We've negotiated a special deal for Trafford Publishing authors to receive a 15-month Guestfinder membership (3 months free, a savings of US$62.25). To obtain the extended membership, complete the application at (click on the microphone) and in the Comments section of the application, type "Trafford Publishing Discount." This offer is good until August 1, 2002. Non-fiction authors only. Contact Lorilyn Bailey at if you have questions about the potential of your topic to attract the interest of radio producers.
Looking for more media exposure? To the media, YOU are an EXPERT! Linda Radke, head of, provides an online service for journalists and broadcasters to find subject-matter experts quickly. She believes many Trafford authors would benefit from the exposure about their books that interviews might bring. Linda wants you to try at NO RISK. She is now offering, for FREE, the first month of listing your credentials on, and lowering the listing fee to just US$59 for 6 months or $99 for 12 months. (Please note that your credit card will be charged if you do not contact Linda to cancel before the end of your first free month.) You may receive the first month without paying for the 6 or 12 months, BUT if you do sign up for the $99 listing at the start, you will receive a copy of Linda's acclaimed book Promote Like a Pro and TWO free months! Please mention that you were referred through Trafford and you wil1 also receive a copy of The Economical Guide to SelfPublishing. In addition, you will receive an extra 10% discount off their already low prices. Please use this link when registering: trafford.

The number of new titles being launched each month continues to increase - during April we welcomed 103 new authors (this in addition to 12 new titles from existing authors). Many of the new authors are referrals from our authors. Thank you for this compliment! Note that we pay you 15% referral commission - $148.50 [Cdn$223.50] for a best Seller publishing package - if your name is cited by the new author responding to our question: "How did you first learn about Trafford's service?" For those of you who are dusting off your other, unpublished manuscripts, remember that your second publishing package costs 15% less than the first. The third and subsequent packages are 20% off the full price. The number of multiple-title Trafford authors clearly indicates that many of you are finding the publishing experience quite enjoyable! The first batch of ebook versions of Trafford authors' books have been available for sale at Amazon's ebook store and other vendors for a few months now. The sales results from the first quarter of 2002 have been rather low: only 3 copies sold in total! If you have questions about having your book offered as an ebook, please contact Graham Croft ( Graham is also in charge of our trial program with, the Hamilton, Ontario company that is operating a prototype in-store book manufacturing kiosk in one bookstore and plans to expand into other stores shortly. So far, overall sales have been minimal while technical challenges are being addressed. To monitor progress, check out their website at A reminder that our regular news releases announcing new titles are now sent to over 12,200 email contacts. If you wish to subscribe (you'll receive an email three or four times each week, each announcing up to four new titles), please go to If you are intrigued by any of the new titles, you'll appreciate that our authors receive a 10% discount on all Trafford books. Just mention that you are a Trafford author when you place your order. We've been hiring additional staff to better serve our authors' needs. New hires include: Robin Ellis and Gregory Arnott in accounting; Kim Hay in shipping; Michelle Landry in prepress; and Stacey Butterfield, Mary Pomeroy and Jennifer Taylor as author services reps. Our service is continually evolving and improving, with the best new ideas invariably coming from our authors. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact your author services rep or me. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with you. We're enjoying providing this service and hope you are having fun, too! cheers, Bruce Batchelor. May 03, 2002

P. S. With the discount rates and no handling/packaging/admin fee for 50 or more copies, now is a great time to buy more copies for sending to reviewers and selling locally. Contact Patricia at or call her on our toll-free line (888-232 4114), and specify you are placing an "author's order" to qualify for the discounts.

P.P.S.Please remember: there is strength in numbers - as more authors adopt the Trafford approach to self-publishing, we can expand and enhance our services and better facilitate the flow of books through distribution channels. Please help us spread the word about this innovative on-demand publishing service. Plus, you will earn referral commissions!

En 6 augustus. Dear Author Greetings from Trafford Publishing! Thanks to all our authors (about one hundred more are joining each month!) for using our publishing service. Enclosed you may find details on royalties and sales of your book(s) during the months of April, May and June. If there is no printout about sales, there were no copies sold. If you had an outstanding account (i.e. you owed money to Trafford), your royalties will have been applied to that outstanding account and you'll be receiving a statement showing this. Occasionally, payments from authors will cross in the mail with these royalty letters, so if you have questions about settling debts, please contact Monique ( At any time, you can monitor your book's sales by going to this web page: or go to the Author Toolkit section and look for the link called Check your royalty account. If you have forgotten your user name and password, please contact your author services representative. The sales and royalty information is updated weekly, with details on individual orders appearing after the books are shipped. In those sales listings, an order with 15% trade discount generally denotes a purchase by a library or educational institute. A discount of 25% indicates a direct-to-customer sale at our bookstore. Sales through any other bookstore (an online store or the bricksand-mortar type) will show a 40% discount, and the city shown will be the bookstore's address, not the retail customer's (we are not told who their customers are). Discounts of 48% to 55% indicate sales through a distributor such as Baker & Taylor or Scholar's Bookshelf. Many authors are having us deposit royalties directly into their credit card account. This is of great benefit for authors in the USA and overseas who wish to avoid fees that your local bank may wish to impose for cashing cheques. Let Monique know if you wish to opt for this plan ( New contact numbers - as Trafford continues to grow, we've had to expand into an adjacent building at our Victoria location, which means adding some extra phone lines. ln order to contact the Author Services department directly, without going through reception, please phone toll-free 1-866-638-6884. Local calls are at 250-383-6884, while our new fax number is 250-3836814. For accounting enquiries and order placement, please continue to use the existing information (found in the footer of this page). Book sales continue to increase every month - clearly the on-demand supply concept is catching on with booksellers and the public. We've added a larger capacity colour printer to ensure we can be filling all orders promptly - you might also be noticing improvements in the resolution and colour consistency on your covers. Stay tuned for announcements this fall about costs for full-colour children's books and double-sided printing of inserts. Deeper discounts - with the new colour printer, we can offer increased discounts for longer print runs. Patricia Graham ( is our order desk specialist. She's your contact when you order books for your own distribution and you will receive these discounts:

* 50 or more, 3% off the single copy price * 1500 or more, 18% off
* 100 or more, 6% off * 2000 or more, 21% off
* 250 or more, 9% off * 2500 or more, 24% off
* 500 or more,12% off * 3000 or more, 27% off
* 1000 or more, 15% off * 3500 or more, 30% off

Handling/packaging/admin fee for orders of less than 50 books is now US$10.00 [Cdn$15.00]. There is no handling/packaging fee for orders of 50 or more copies. We are delighted to learn the many ways our authors are employing to market their books. Please keep us informed about any reviews, signings and other news so your author services rep can post details in the Publisher's Notebook section of our website. Please note: if you are planning a public appearance, you can take orders and record all the credit card info, then fax or phone the details to us to fill the order. There is no discount involved. The transaction is technically between the customer and Trafford - you will receive your regular royalty on the sale. If you wish to have blank forms for recording the information, please ask your author rep to prepare and mail some to you. Talent Pool review - if you've used an editor or illustrator or other freelance professional from our online Talent Pool during the past six months, please let us know about your experience. Email or phone Ben Harrison ( New staff - to better serve our authors, we have welcomed eight new staff members (no-one ever seems to leave!) since the last letter. Julian Gunn and Emily Jacques are prepress technicians; Anna Isaacs and Catherine Cardiff are author services representatives; Rob Weins and Judy Yeates are publishing consultants; Jane Patterson is a print shop assistant; and Mike Botrakoff is a database prograrmmer.


Paying for search engine "hits"
A few authors are experimenting with online advertising. You "buy" or "bid for" words or phrases at various search engine sites and pay only for those people who "click through" to your website or to your book's webpage at Trafford's website. To learn more about this technique, check out these links: and .

Exposure at
Trafford author Eliza Hemingway suggests listing your book on Joseph Abrahams' educational website at There is no charge.

Fast-track opportunity to a literary agent
We've been offered a direct conduit to Sydra Techniques literary agency in the United States. Sydra has been a WGA Literary Agent for over 5 years and has agreed to prioritize Trafford clients as they choose authors for representation. You may submit your manuscript via email attachment to Robert Fletcher ( Sydra accepts all major electronic formats but not hard copy for their evaluation phase. Your relationship would be directly with Sydra if they accept you. If you have any questions, visit their website at, or contact Robert Fletcher directly via email.

Get paid when someone photocopies your book
Various governments have instituted royalty collect-monitor-pay schemes that are paying authors millions of dollars annually. For US authors, check out the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. at For Canadian authors, register your title through CANCOPY at YOU are the creator and copyright holder - so you are the one who must register; Trafford cannot do this for you.

Teaching - and selling your book as 'recommended reading'!
The popular online community ( is creating SuiteUniversity at They're encouraging Trafford authors to create and teach short online courses - and collect payments for the writing and instructing. A more important source of income could be your royalties from the sales of your course "textbook." Contact Barrie Bradshaw at for details - tell him you are a Trafford author! Barrie says the highest course demand is for health-related topics.

1001 Ways to Market Your Book - a few copies left
We have a limited number of copies of John Kremer's landmark book 1001 Ways to Market Your Books for sale at US$15 including shipping and handling [Cdn$25]. The book's regular retail price is US$27.95. Contact your author rep directly by phone or email to order. First come, first served.

Get a customized map to special markets for your book
Bookstores account for less than half of all book sales. Authors can find special sales markets with a unique Book Market Map directory - a custom-made resource with thousands of contacts most likely to buy their books. Each directory is researched, vetted and created by Book Marketing Works, LLC. For more information, contact Brian Jud at Book Marketing Works, 50 Lovely Street, Avon, CT 06001; phone 1-800-562-4357, email to

The number of new titles being launched each month continues to increase and many of the new authors are referrals from our authors. Thank you for this compliment! Note that we pay you 15% referral commission - $148.50 [Cdn$223.50] for a Best Seller publishing package - if your name is cited by the new author responding to our question: "How did you first learn about Trafford's service?" For those of you who are dusting off your other, unpublished manuscripts, remember that your second publishing package costs 15% less than the first. The third and subsequent packages are 20% off the full price. The number of multiple-title Trafford authors clearly indicates that many of you are finding the publishing experience quite enjoyable! Our service is continually evolving and improving, with the best new ideas invariably coming from our authors. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact your author services rep or me.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with you. We're enjoying providing this service and hope you having fun, too! cheers, Bruce Batchelor. August 03, 2002.

P. S. With the discount rates and no handling/packaging/admin fee for 50 or more copies, now is a great time to buy more copies for the pre-Christmas season. Contact Patricia at or call her on our toll-free line (888-232-4444), and specify you are placing an "author's order" to qualify for the discounts.

P.P.S.Please remember there is strength in numbers - as more authors adopt the Trafford approach to self-publishing, we can expand and enhance our services and better facilitate the flow of books through distribution channels. Please help us spread the word about this innovative on-demand publishing service. Plus, you will earn referral commissions!

6. Acceptgiro t.b.v. Instituto Cervantes Benelux van de Vereniging Docenten Spaans in Nederland.
7. Acceptgiro van Zuster Michaela, Manilla p/a Stichting Wereld Dorpen voor Kinderen Leidsegracht 9, 1017 NA Amsterdam.
8. Acceptgiro van "WereldOuders, Achterom 152, 1211 PD Hilversum".
9. Verzoek om steun van de Stichting Parkinson Fonds, Hoofdweg 667A, 2131 BB
10. Uitnodiging voor de Adobe Expo dagen op 30 en 31 mei, gericht aan
Instituto Cervantes Holding Lt
11. 'Viva España Zomer 2002, gericht aan
Instituto Cervantes Benelux.
12. Foco nr. 2 - juni 2002

Met de trein van 15.50 uur ben ik naar Nijmegen gereden. Aankomst Nijmegen Centraal 16.42. De aansluitende trein gemist. Vertrek Nijmegen Centraal 17.16. Aankomst Dukenburg 17.22.


La Corona de la Casa Real Española sirve de símbolo de unidad de nuestros países y muestra la Lealtad Histórica como expresada en el himno nacional de los Países Bajos.

More information at the website of, Wal-Mart and Trafford Publishing Canada.