Education & Training, Recruitment & Selection, Management, Business Consultancy, Travels, Translation Services, Interpret Services, Public Relations, Communication, Publishing, Spanish in Spain and Latin America, America, Enterprises, Air Lines, Automation, Internet, Productions, Insurances, Hotels, Football, Princess Diana Stadium, Television, Real Estate.
26 October 1996
LONDON VISIT Dear Mrs. MacMillan, I have the honour to send
you my photograph which was taken the 8th of August in ST JAMES'S PARK
shortly before my visit to BUCKINGHAM
Now I am reading the English version of DIANA, HER NEW LIFE and recognise that in autumn 1993 Princess Diana had a similar new vision as I had. I have noticed many similarities between the so-called Dragon Vision Wizard and the image of the Knight errant included in my Cervantes-plan. I read that Princess Diana had in autumn 1993 a vision with an international dimension, that she needed - just like me - a significant sabbatical to recharge her batteries and that an international approach still appealed to her. I understand that she would concentrate on disadvantaged women and children. I will take this into consideration within my strategical thinking. I also recognised the problematical situation which occurred to her on Málaga Airport around the so called errant Knight and the utter humiliation she suffered. I know Málaga very well and as far as I am concerned a disgraceful situation like that will never happen again. I hope we can meet in the next future. With kind regards.