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Thursday, 17-01-1997
Journey started according to the schedule. In BRUSSELS
Station they plaid music of "the Shadows" and a song
about "Sophie". In the Eurostar I read some articles
about the "sentimental journey" of Prince Bernhard.
The music must have something to do with the new Shadow Cabinet
of the Government Game. A gentleman in front of me read a book
about "Cornelis Floris" and I noticed that
you have a new secretary and lady in waiting:
Miss Louise Reid-Car.
After my arrival in London I went to BUCKINGHAM PALACE and St. James's. At the main gate of BP I showed your photograph to one of the security officers whom I requested to attend the changing of the guards from the inside of the palace next Tuesday. He advised me to deliver a written request at Lord Chamberlain's office and so I did. At the main gate of St. James's I had a friendly conversation with the police officer in Duty. I informed him about my weekly reports and he told me that you only have an office at St. James's. I told him that I had come to keep my promises towards you.
In the evening I visited The herbal bed of the Royal Shakespeare Company in the Duchess Theatre.