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Friday, 16-05-1997
I saw the photograph on the back page of the magazine 'Vorsten' of this month. I am glad for the Royal Family that the Magazine pays positive attention now to the developments in England and on the occasion I sent the following message to the sergeant: Message for Sergeant David Sharp. I think I can be a good friend of your ex-husband as well. But only as your partner. I also read that according to the British magazine 'The Economist' no other country in the world will become more attractive for investments than the Netherlands during the next five years. I hope you and your staff will start to invest in the Business Plan as soon as possible.
In the Netherlands the plan was supported in 1996 by the cabinet, mr. drs. F. Bolkestein (Chairman of the Liberal Party), drs. E. Heerma (former Chairman of the Christian Democrates), prof. dr. S.K. Kuipers (Professor at the State University of Groningen and Crown member of the Social Economic Council), Mrs L.B.M. van Maaren-van Baalen (Lord Mayor of the City of Weert), drs. M.H. Meijerink (General Secretary on Education, Culture and Sciences), drs. A.P.W. Melkert (Minister of Social Affairs and Employability - double support), S. Patijn (Lord Mayor of Amsterdam), H.J.L. Vonhoff (Royal Commissionar in the Province of Groningen), mr. K.G. de Vries (Head Director of the Association of Dutch District Councils), J. Wallage (Chairman of the Socialist Party) and mr. drs. G.J. Wolffensperger (Chairman of the Democratic Party D66) and in 1997 also by drs. W.J. Deetman (Lord Mayor of The Hague), prof.dr. W. Derksen (Member of the Scientific Council for Governmental Policy and holder of the Thorbecke Chair on the State University of Leiden), drs. L.M.L.H.A. Hermans (Royal Commissionar in the Province of Friesland), drs. H.G. Ouwerkerk (Lord Mayor of Groningen), P. Rosenmöller (Chairman of the political party 'Green Left') and mrs E.G. Terpstra (Secretary of State on Public Health, Welfare and Sports), according to the Government Game Competition brochures of 1996 and 1997. So We have a lot of work to do. Scorpio says today: 'Your communicative talent will suit you very well today. This day might run in a murderous speed and the question will be if people around you will be able to cycle with you. You will feel yourself top fit.