Vrijdag 24 mei 2002 Verzonden Om 23.46 aan althorp.com Cc ben trafford.com, beyreed trafford.com, policarp mtu-net.rum h.hediger, Drs P. Ottenhoff Subject: Correction. Dear friends, Last 5th of April I sent you the following message: As you certainly will remember I visited Althorp House on Christmas Day of 1997. It was an emotional and heavy journey from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom in order to fulfill my obligations towards the Spencer Family. With me I carried seven manuscripts of my book Letters to Diana, Princess of Wales, with the original texts of all my letters that I sent to Her concerning our 'Quixotic Quest' in the period 28 August 1996 until 31 August 1997. From September till November 1997 I also had reported to Earl Charles Spencer, directing my letters to KENSINGTON PALACE. With Christmas I carried seven copies of the manuscript. I brought the first one to BUCKINGHAM PALACE on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. The second one to The Office of Diana at KENSINGTON PALACE. The third one to 10 Downing Street on behalf of the Prime Minister. The fourth one to Christie's in Kings Street on behalf of Lord Balfour. The fifth one on Christmas Day to King's College in Cambridge on behalf of the Royal Library. The eighth copy I brought to you when it was already very dark at Great Brington and the seventh one I deposited in the postbox of reverend David Brindley of St. Mary's Church in Warwick. After my removal from Utrecht to Torremolinos in Spain I decided to find a publisher for the book. Therefore I found the editor Trafford Publishing in Victoria, Canada, prepared to edit and publish my book. They sent me ten copies. I wrote in the dedication of the book the following text: "This book is dedicated to Earl Charles Spencer at Althorp House and to all of them who supported us after the 31st of August 1997". Also this time I presented 7 copies of the first official edition. The first one to the police of Torremolinos. The second one to the organizers of the Congress of Spanish in the Instituto Cervantes in Utrecht (of which I am legally the owner, although an arrangement still has to be established) on the 16th of March of this year. The third one on last 20ieth of March to the House Archive of Our Royal Family in The Hague (Mr. Woelderink). The fourth one on the same date to the actual and former management - Colleagues - of the Dutch Management Centre 'de Baak' in The Hague. The fifth one to the President of the European Assocation of Teachers in Spanish, during a Congress in Moscow last week, and the sixth one to Galina S. Románova, Chief of the Faculty of Roman Languages of the University of International Relations (MGIMO) of the Foreign Office of Russia in Moscow. One book was sold to a Spanish colleague living in Switzerland. I hope I will be able to present The Seventh Copy at Althorp House. Unfortunately I am running out of money and a huge tax bill is awaiting for payment. Until the 23d of April I will remain in Nijmegen in the Netherlands. On the 23d of April I will go back to Spain. If I can afford it I propose myself to come and visit you before the tourist's season starts and hope you will sell my book to your visitors and reveal The Truth. You can find the information of my book on website Trafford Publishing Canada I herewith also pay my deepest and sincere respect to the Queen Mother Who's funeral I follow via television. Yours sincerely, JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN Kingdom of The Netherlands. P.S. Attached you also find the desired business structure of our Company (in Microsoft PowerPoint). In this message I made a mistake. The sentence "The eighth copy I brought to you when it was already very dark at Great Brington" must be "The sixth copy I brought to you when it was already very dark at Great Brington". Herefore my sincere apologies. Yours Sincerely JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN SPAIN 14.29 Verzonden aan Arboleda Oscar For the record stuur ik je hierbij de inhoud van mijn brieven die je de afgelopen tijd van mij hebt ontvangen: De Goede Fee, Mi Di and I, Correcties, Zomaar, Jouw brief van 28 april. Leuk om dat weer eens terug te lezen. Ik heb overigens ontdekt dat Liesbeth tegenwoordig getrouwd zou zijn met de heer Jules Maaten, europarlementariër van de VVD. Ik heb haar gisteren nog een brief gestuurd en dat alsvolgt per email doorgecommuniceerd: Als boven. Drs E.H. Halbertsma Cc Drs H.G. Starren, Beste Liesbeth en Harry, Vanmiddag heb ik weer eens naar een aflevering van 'The Bold and the Beautiful' gekeken, alsmede naar het RTL4 Journaal. De installatie van de nieuwe parlementsleden en de reactie van Piet Hein Donner op het gesprek met Gerrit Zalm. Het heeft mij allemaal één ding duidelijk gemaakt: "The Truth is Always in The Middle" en "Al is de Leugen nog zo Snel, de Waarheid achterhaalt haar wel". Ik vind het van belang dat Wij elkaar Recht in de Ogen kunnen blijven kijken. Dus geen strategische spelletjes meer. Naar aanleiding van een aantal krantenartikelen heb ik vanmiddag om 16.00 uur de volgende brief verzonden aan een mevrouw in Londen: Europese Ontwikkelingen.