Education & Training, Recruitment & Selection, Management, Business Consultancy, Travels, Translation Services, Interpret Services, Public Relations, Communication, Publishing, Spanish in Spain and Latin America, America, Enterprises, Air Lines, Automation, Internet, Productions, Insurances, Hotels, Football, Princess Diana Stadium, Television, Real Estate.

Instituto Cervantes Neude 30C NL 3512 AG UTRECHT Netherlands Fax and Telephone *31 30 233 15 74 Mr G.P Mitchell HM Inspector of Taxes Bench Street Dover - Kent CT16 1RG UNITED KINGDOM Concerns: Your reference 240 67551 27448 A Our reference: IC/IR970625 Utrecht, 25 June 1997 Dear Mr Mitchell, Yesterday I received your letter of 29 April 1997. Herewith you find the answers on your questions.

1. What is the nature of the business to be carried out by the company?
1. Education & Training 2. Recruitment & Selection 3. Management & Organization 4. Business Consultancy 5. Travels 6. Translation Services 7. Interpret Services 8. Public Relations 9. Communication Services

2. What is the address of the Registered Office?
80 Sidney Street, Folkestone Kent, CT19 6 HQ

3. If different from the Registered Office, what is the address where the business is carried out? At the moment there are no activities. The only activity is the setting up of the legal framework of the new organization with its future headquarters in Stratford-upon-Avon. For further enquiries you may direct to Neude 30 C, NL 3512 AG Utrecht, Netherlands.

4. If different from the Date of Incorporation, when did the business start? N.A.

5. What is the company registration number? 3300636

6. If the company is a member of a group, please state
* the name of the group
* the Tax Office which deals with the parent company of the group and, if known, that company's tax reference number. N.A.

7. If an existing business has been taken over, please state
* the name and address of that business
* the name and address of the person from whom it was acquiered N.A.

8. Please give the name and address of the accountants or other agents who will be dealing with the company's tax affairs. N.A.

9. To what date will the first accounts be prepared? N.A. Corporation Tax must be payed in the Netherlands.

10. If PAYE is already being operated, please give the name of the Tax Office concerned and the full PAYE reference number. N.A.

1. Lady Diana Frances Spencer, Princess of Wales, KENSINGTON PALACE, London W8 4PX. Head of the organization. National Insurance number: N.A. Tax Office and reference: Great Britain.
2. Johannes Lambertus Van der Heyden, Neude 30 C, NL 3512 AG Utrecht, Netherlands. Manager Benelux. National Insurance number: N.A. Tax Office and reference: The Netherlands

The information I have given on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and believe. For the record you also find enclosed an image considering my position in the Netherlands (Paars vol lof over Kok en Van Mierlo).

With kind regards. Yours sincerely, INSTITUTO CERVANTES Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, England and Wales J.L. VAN DER HEYDEN Manager Benelux

Enclosed: Memorandum of Association Company No. 3300636; Articles of Association; 'Paars vol lof over Kok en Van Mierlo'

C.C. Lady D.F. Spencer, Princess of Wales; Stichting Haags Juristen College, Laan van Meerdervoort 415, NL 2563 AR The Hague.

YOUR REFERENCE 240 67551 27448 A