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Sunday, 3-08-1997
I received the magazine 'Communiceer' (Communicate) of the Scientology Church in Amsterdam. That was also the message of last 13 November. I read about the the reactive mind. I have no reactive mind. I have always been a leader and will always be. I will walk before the crowds. I read that I can always write to Guillaume Lesèvre, Executive Director International, 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1008, Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA. I will and I believe that We will visit him together. I believe that. This day I will dedicate to DIANETICS. I also received enclosed letter of de Baak. I translate the text:

"Thank you very much for your interest for An evening on sea Corporate Governance. We received your enrolment. On 17 September 1997 you will be expected in de Baak to attend the first reading. Will you please inform undersigned before 1 September if your attendance on 2 and 9 October will take place? Otherwise we are obliged to send you the bill of Hfl. 1,750.- for four evenings (exclusively vat, inclusively dinner). Your enrollment is definitive. If you will be unable to come it is possible to let yourself be replaced. We are looking forward to meet you on 17 September between 17.00 and 17.30 in de Baak. This Evening on sea lasts until about 20.30. With kind regards. Mrs Y. Vergeer-Westgeest.'

I prefer to go with you to New York and Hollywood after 28 September. But that has to be a joint decision of course. The reference 'RvdZ/yv' means 'Ruud van der Zalm/Yvonne Vergeer'. I settled Mr Van der Zalm - the Financial Director - in his job when he started his work at de Baak, because I had a long experience in this matter. But now I should wish that he will start up the financial process for our organization. I wrote that in the fax message to Mr Görtemöller of 1/8 and in a letter to Mr Van der Zalm himself today.

I sent enclosed letter to the Executive Director International of IAS in Hollywood.

I studied the article of L. Ron Hubbard about the leadership of Simon Bolivar and Manuela Saenz. The biggest mistake they made was that they did not marry. I think in comparison of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of Castile. This has been the strongest married couple in history. They changed the world in 1492. That's why I went to Spain in 1992, 500 years later. Bolivar and Saenz had no vision on the future. We have. Therefore I will certainly visit the first two meetings of Corporate Governance

Had dinner at Restaurant Den Draeck (The Dragon). Beautifully situated opposite the English Bar and Pub 'King Arthur' and the 'Oudaen Castle'. I started with salmon fillet and ended with a White Lady with chocolate. The girls had a box with mysterious presents.

I also reflected the ideas of the Scientologists and their crusade against psychiatry. I agree completely with them. In 1993 I had no other choice. I accepted the offer to use their facilities in order to protect my parents, because they could not know that I had a secret mission. But I reject their methods. They see a problem as something negative. I don't. How bigger the problem the bigger the challenge to solve it. That's my link with E. We loved having problems because it produced new work. Problems are a basic condition in growth processes and change management. In a new marriage problems will rise at once of course. Because every partner has his or her own background that will produce a culture-shock. But facing and solving those problems together gives the greatest satisfaction a person can get.

I recognize a lot of these ideas in the book 'L. Ron Hubbard * A Profile*' I also will continue promoting better education, crime-free cities, drug-free campuses, stable and ethical organizations and cultural revitalization through the arts. I see Mr Hubbard has the same profile as I have: author, educator, humanitarian, administrator and artist. I agree with the statement "Nor was the problem in any way limited to street drugs among the youth, but with a psychiatric and pharmaceutical establishment intently pumping drugs into society's mainstream'.

I was also seriously damaged in 1993 by that mainstream. So the international drug rehabilitation network Narconon is a very good initiative. Hubbard revealed: 'In fact every kind of drug, chemical poison, preservative, pesticide and industrial waste that we regularly ingest can lodge in the tissues and do us harm. The damage is done in this way: Given the body is essentially a communication system, with the brain acting as a switchboard for the translation of thought into action, biochemical substances can be devastating - actually disrupting the normal pattern of thought. Needless to say, these toxic substances also do much to inhibit our learning rate, our memory and all necessary for our spiritual well-being". Therefore I also do now a sort of 'Clear Body, Clear Mind' program utilizing an exact regimen of exercise and sauna. I still need nutritional supplements and medical liaison. I read on page 17: 'After running, the person sweats out the drug residuals and toxins in a sauna. Profuse sweating purify the system of these toxic substances. Nutrition in the form of certain vitamins and minerals is also an important part of the program. Niacin, one of the B complex vitamins, plays a vital role. It appears to break up and unleash drug and chemical deposits from body tissues and cells.' My body still contains residues of tegretol, cisordinol and prozac that I was forced to use. So I want to get clean of that completely. I also decided to take over the following statements in my Cervantes Philosophy:

1. Take Care of Yourself
2. Be Temperate
3. Don't Be Promiscuous
4. Love and Help Children
5. Honor and Help Your Parents
6. Set a Good Example
7. Seek to Live with the Truth
8. Do Not Murder
9. Don't Do Anything Illegal
10. Support a Government Designed and Run for All the People
11. Do Not Harm a Person of Good Will
12. Safeguard and Improve Your Environment
13. Do Not Steal
14. Be Worthy of Trust
15. Fulfill Your Obligations
16. Be Industrious
17. Be Competent
18. Respect the Religious Beliefs of Others
19. Try Not to Do Things to Others that You Would Not Like Them To Do You
20. Try to Treat Others As You Would Want Them to Treat You
21. Flourish and Prosper

These ideas were already expressed in the 'Don Quijote' nearly four hundred years ago, but it is good that Mr Hubbard has actualized them in our times. Miguel de Cervantes has had a very hard life, but he always thought: 'I can only rely on my Spiritual Power'. That is the Example that He Set. So it will be very worthwhile that the IAS will be going to support Our Organization. L. Ron Hubbard left his body on 24 January 1986 and came back in mine perhaps and partly.