Education & Training, Recruitment & Selection, Management, Business Consultancy, Travels, Translation Services, Interpret Services, Public Relations, Communication, Publishing, Spanish in Spain and Latin America, America, Enterprises, Air Lines, Automation, Internet, Productions, Insurances, Hotels, Football, Princess Diana Stadium, Television, Real Estate.

Instituto Cervantes NBLEW. Neude 30 C. NL 3521 NM UTRECHT. Netherlands To: Rennert Bilingual. Attention: Mr Cesar Rennert. Date: 13-09-1997. Hour: 12.00 (Dutch time). Number of pages: 1. Dear Cesar, I am planning a trip to America - NEW YORK AND LOS ANGELES - next October in order to study the possibilities of setting up an Instituto Cervantes USA in good partnership. Therefore I will send you my Business Plan on floppy disk (ClarisWorks Macintosh). I made my trip to England from last 17 till 21 August, but the development of the organization has suffered delay because of the tragic death of my aimed partner. I request you to offer me hospitality during some days as I also have had some years ago by Alberto Sampere in Madrid. I hope to receive your answer in due course. You can also reach me by fax. With kind regards. Yours sincerely, INSTITUTO CERVANTES Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, England and Wales. John Van der Heyden Manager Benelux.