Vrijdag 25 januari 2002 00.22 Terug uit Arnhem. Het was een kleine groep van drie personen. Aanvankelijk met Gerard. Even later kwam de dame met de moeilijke naam nog even binnen. Hoofdthema van het gesprek was mijn droom over Charles. Ik had weinig behoefte om 'in de diepte' te gaan. Ik verzond om 00.11 het volgende bericht aan Yoyo: Hola Yoyo, Volgens afspraak mijn emailtje. Dank voor jouw bijdrage van vandaag. Wel gewaagd om te zeggen "Ik houd van jou". Mijn eigen advocaat - die mij het idee aan de hand heeft gedaan om een handelsmerk te deponeren - heeft dat met "stalking" aangeduid. Dat begrijp ik absoluut niet en ben ook niet van plan om daarin mee te gaan. Ik zou het kunnen aanduiden met Volledige Loyaliteit en nakomen van mijn "promises" en verantwoordelijkheden. Ik heb Liesbeths naam altijd hoog gehouden en ook laten weten dat ik daar niet van afwijk. Ik beschouw haar immers als mijn beste collega. Er reed geen trein tussen Arnhem en Nijmegen t.g.v. een ongeluk bij Elst. Dus met de bus. Ik zal je vanuit Spanje op de hoogte houden over mijn gesprek met Robert Bischot. Hartelijke groet, JOHN. 04.38 Ontvangen van Yoyo Dag John, dank voor je brief. Stalking is voor zover ik heb begrepen: op wat voor manier dan ook contact zoeken of onderhouden met iemand die te kennen heeft gegeven daar om wat voor reden dan ook geen prijs op te stellen. Mijns inziens kun je iemand hoog hebben en houden zonder dat daarvoor contact nodig is... Ik vond het een boeiende avond en ben blij je gezien te hebben. Liefs van Yoyo. 14.23 Verzonden aan Yoyo Lieve Yoyo, Dank voor jouw onderstaande reactie (als boven) zo vroeg in de morgen (esp: de la madrugada). Het doet mij deugd dat het thema jou nog heeft bezig gehouden. Het was niet mijn bedoeling om het onderwerp 'stalking' nog een keer aan te halen. Jij hanteert in dit geval de definitie die mijn geachte confrère Van Amstel heeft gebruikt. Ondanks het feit dat hij een bevoegd advocaat is en ik niet - aangezien ik niet over de daartoe benodigde papieren beschik, maar wel met Weledelgestreng wordt aangeduid - heeft hij echter geen gelijk. Die zaak heb ik inmiddels weerlegd in mijn brieven Sluitstuk, The Dragon Vision Wizard of Oz, Van der Heyden/Halbertsma, Building Bridges, Strategisch Perspectief 2000, Reshaping the Future, Goede Vrijdag, Building Bridges, First Things First en Beëindiging Gewapend Conflict, alsmede een brief terzake aan de MINISTER-PRESIDENT VAN HET KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN. In de Dikke Van Dale heb ik ook nog eens opgezocht wat de betekenis is van dat merkwaardige fenomeen. Het staat mij bij dat ik Gijsbrecht van Amstel nadrukkelijk heb geadviseerd om er een punt achter te zetten. Nochtans kreeg ik in Spanje een emailtje van hem waarin hij het woord wederom naar voren bracht. Ik vraag mij dan ook in alle oprechtheid af wie in deze situatie de daadwerkelijke 'stalker' is. Liesbeth weet dat in dat soort situaties door advocaten in de regel de techniek "omkering van de bewijslast" wordt gehanteerd. Ik heb Gijsbrecht van Amstel ook niet om ongevraagde adviezen verzocht. Ik gun die man van ganser harte een goede boterham, maar niet ten koste van de opbouw van ons bedrijf. Ik verwacht RESPECT van een jurist met wie ik duidelijke afspraken heb gemaakt. Het had allemaal een stuk eenvoudiger kunnen zijn als hij mij op 1 maart 2000 zou hebben geschreven: "Geachte Heer Van der Heyden, Namens mijn cliënte Drs E.H. Halbertsma zeg ik U van harte dank voor de informatie die U haar tot op heden conform onze mondelinge afspraak hebt doen toekomen. Aangezien zij thans over voldoende informatie beschikt om van het geplande bedrijf Instituto Cervantes Holding Ltd een succesvolle organisatie te maken, verzoek ik U hiermede - namens mijn cliënte - Uw rapportage tot een in onderling overleg vast te stellen datum te beëindigen." Dit zou naar mijn stellige overtuiging minder slachtoffers hebben gekost en zou jij niet met Delta Airways naar Nederland terug hebben moeten vliegen vanuit Washington DC. With Love and Affection, JEAN DE LA BRUYÈRE P.S. Mijn deelname aan de bloesemtocht op 8 februari is definitief. Elke deelnemer dient - volgens een nieuwe verordening - daarbij zijn paspoort mee te brengen. 15.35 Ontvangen uit Cyprus hjc Dear Mr van der Heijden, Your e-mail of 23rd January has been referred to me for a reply. It is indeed possible for us to arrange management and control of your company from Cyprus. If that company owns the copyrights for your book, any royalties received as a result of that should normally be taxed at the applicable tax rate in Cyprus which is currently 4.25%. Before we proceed, however, please clarify which company currently owns the royalties and whether or not that company has any other activities. If so, please describe what those activities are and where they are performed. Finally, you should know that there is an additional cost involved in arranging management from Cyprus. However, if the income from the royalties is expected to be significant, it may be worthwhile to proceed. Awaiting your reply, Yours sincerely, Nicolai Heering Haags Juristen College (Cyprus) Ltd 16.24 Ik zond de volgende reactie: Dear Mr Heering, Thank you very much for your reply. The royalties are in the first place owned by Trafford Publishing in Victoria, BC, Canada. As a matter of fact this afternoon I sent the following check up to their Manager of Author Services, Mr Ben Harrison: "Hello Ben, In my Diary I found the information that I sent on Sat, 04 Aug 2001 19:53:32 to Joti. Yesterday evening I checked my Sherlock by using the keywords a potential customer might use when searching for your book (up to 12): Diana - Stadhouderlijk Hof - de Baak - ETON COLLEGE - Sergeant David Sharp - NBL - Stratford - Warwick - Royal Leamington Spa - De Wellenkamp 1530 - Neude 30C - To the Loo. When are you going to provide these keywords? I chose and payed for the "Best Seller" package for $1490.00 (Canadian) (B) I Checked 7. Legal and Administrative (1.) arrange an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), and Cataloguing-in-Publication Data entry and Bookland EAN barcode unless otherwise directed by the Author, and typeset the frontmatter pages accordingly; (L, E, B) - DONE (2.) include a copyright notice intended to protect the author's rights in all copies of the book produced; (L, E, B) - DONE (3.) deposit two dated copies with the National Library; (L, E, B) - DONE I THINK (4.) provide accounting of sales and pay royalties on a quarterly basis; (E, B) - Therefore I sent a message to the lawyer who defends my interests on Cyprus (5.) provide nine (9) bound copies without charge for the author's use (B) - I am expecting them 8. Publicity (1.) with the author's input, create promotional and descriptive text for the Trafford bookstore catalogue found at www.trafford.com on the Internet (E, B), for the news release (B), and for the book's web homepage (web page) (E, B); - DONE (2.) create and maintain the book's individual web page (E, B) and notify search engines and directories of its contents (B); - TO BE EXPECTED (3.) broadcast by email the news release to a list of media contacts; (B) - TODAY? (4.) provide the code for hyperlinking to the book's web page; (E, B) - ? (5.) provide 250 publishing announcement cards; (B) - TO BE EXPECTED 9. Sales Channels (1.) make the book available for retail purchase to individual customers through an Internet web order form at Trafford's on-line bookstore, by email, phone, fax and mail, accepting credit cards and corporate and government purchase orders; (E, B) - ? (2.) provide bookstores, libraries and distributors with discounts on Trafford's standard schedule; (B) - ? (3.) submit the book for sale through other on-line bookstores; (B) - ? (4.) sell copies at a discounted price to the Author for other distribution, as requested by the Author; (L, E, B) - WHEN I NEED THEM, ACTION: MYSELF 10. Production and Order Services (1.) create an electronic image master of the book, either through scanning the paper version or printing from an electronic file or a combination of the two methods, at the discretion of Trafford, allowing 2 hours of operator's time, in a format suitable for prompt retrieval and on-demand printing; (L, E, B) - DONE (2.) produce a complete bound proof and submit this for the Author's review and make, without charge to the Author, any corrections to the master which arise from errors by Trafford's staff or mechanical/electronic malfunction; (L, E, B) - DONE, ALTHOUGH I DON'T KNOW IF THE CORRECTIONS IN THE TEXTFILE HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT (3.) determine a single-copy printing cost (L, E, B), which will be used by the Author in establishing the retail price; - DONE (4.) archive the master file for the duration of this agreement; (L, E, B) - UP TO YOU (5.) manufacture books on demand as orders are received and fulfil orders promptly, with median times of less than 72 hours if possible (allow longer for large print runs); (L, E, B) - TO BE EXPECTED 11. Make royalty payments on a quarterly basis to the Author for each copy of the work sold, with the royalty being 60% of the gross margin (net sales amount less single-copy printing cost). (E, B) partial list of what you, as the author, are responsible for. - TO BE WORKED OUT The Author accepts the offer of Trafford and agrees to the following to create the contract: 12. The Author will perform several tasks, including the following: (1.) provide a usable electronic file of the book or scan-ready paper originals , and specifications for the book's appearance, including choice of binding, type of cover, paper stock, size and other factors; (L, E, B) - DONE (2.) provide, or arrange and pay for the production of, any items required by the Author which are not appropriate for print-on-demand production; (L, E, B) NOT APPLICABLE (3.) promptly review the bound proof; (L, E, B) - DONE (4.) determine the reasonable retail price and royalty rate in consultation with Trafford; (L, E, B) I FOUND A LIST OF ROYALTY RATES. I SUPPOSE THESE ARE APPLICABLE (5.) prepare, in cooperation with Trafford's staff, promotional text for use on Trafford's web bookstore and on the book's web page (E, B) and for a news release for media contacts; (B) - DONE (6.) if the Author has his or her own Internet homepage(s), the Author will put a prominent hyperlink to the book's web page at Trafford's bookstore. (E, B) - I WILL. THE SITES ARE www.cervantes.nu , www.cervantesweb.nl , www.cervantesweb.be , www.cervantesonline.nl, www.cervantesonline.be, www.cervantesonline.info and www.cervantesonline.biz . But I still have to learn how to do it. more obligations of the author 13. The Author further agrees: (1.) to provide the money as specified in Trafford's offer of services as set out above; - DONE (2.) to provide assurance that the Author has and always will retain copyright to the work published by this agreement. It is understood the Author shall always have the right to publish their work elsewhere if they wish. The Author is agreeing to hire Trafford to produce and market the work and collect the royalties and distribute them according to this agreement, nothing more. - ALL RIGHT (3.) to allow Trafford to distribute promotional copies of the book free of charge and free of royalties to the Author as Trafford deems necessary, providing this is at no cost to the Author; - PERFECT (4.) to respect the privacy and confidentiality of Trafford's customer list which will always remain Trafford's property; - ALL RIGHT (5.) to accept the right of Trafford to refuse to publish any content in breach of Canadian laws at their sole discretion; - POR SUPUESTO (6.) to eliminate any defamatory or unlawful content and to assume any and all liability for content and to hold Trafford harmless from any liability arising from content of the Author. - OF COURSE THE PARTIES BOTH UNDERSTAND: mutual obligations, etc. 1. This agreement is non-exclusive and either party may terminate at any time on delivering immediate written notice without any necessary cause provided only that all outstanding compensation becomes the respective party's debt and pre-existing payment obligations remain on both parties; ALL RIGHT, BUT I COUNT ON A GOOD AND CONSTRUCTIVE COLLABORATION 2. The laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada, shall apply and parties agree to use binding arbitration to resolve any irreconcilable dispute between the parties; OF COURSE 3. Trafford will not warrant the website at www.trafford.com being uninterrupted or error-free, subject to Trafford using due diligence and reasonable care; THAT'S REASONABLE 4. Changes to this contract may be necessary from time to time to reflect evolution of Trafford's service to self-publishing authors and the author will be notified in such an eventuality, provided either party may terminate at any time without liability for any damages from this contract except payment of outstanding royalties and other outstanding debts; you always retain copyright PERFECT 5. The Author at all times retains whatever copyright they possessed at the time of this agreement. This agreement is the full agreement and all its terms. The parties, having read and agreed to the above, sign this document in witness of their agreement: you and a witness sign here, and send it to us for our signature (we'll send back a signed copy for your records) DONE I am looking forward to your reply. JOHN." I hope this information will do and am interested in how we can proceed. Yours sincerely, JOHN L. VAN DER HEYDEN. 17.27 Ben Harrison wrote: Hi John: Thanks for the note and your query re: the contract. I went through your points and will clarify some points: The nine bound copies as well as the 250 announcement cards [7(5) and 8(5) in the contract have been shipped - they were shipped late last week to your address in Utrecht. 8(2) - the web page has been created and is now up and running, and the search engines have been notified (although it does take several weeks or more for them to process the information) 8(3) - news release has been sent out 8(4) - hyperlink is <A HREF="http://www.trafford.com/robots/01-0341.html">Letters to Diana</a> 9(1), 9(2), 9(3) - the books are now available for bookstores and customers to purchase, bookstores can now receive a discount, and the book has been submitted to on-line bookstores such as BN.com, Amazon, etc. 10(4) - done Phew! I hope this answers all your questions. With thanks, Ben Harrison, Manager of Author Services, Trafford Publishing EARN $HUNDREDS$ AT A TIME BY REFERRING TRAFFORD. PLEASE ASK ME HOW. 20.38 Thank you Ben, I also sent your information to my lawyer in Cyprus regarding the royalties. As soon as I know more, I let you know. Cheers and Happy Weekend, JOHN.